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PhAMA: Representing the Pharmaceutical Industry in Malaysia

Screenshot from the PhAMA webpage

Representing the Pharmaceutical Industry in Malaysia

The is the website of the Pharmaceutical Association of Malaysia (PhAMA), which is a professional association representing the pharmaceutical industry in Malaysia. The website provides information about the association, its members, and its activities.


PhAMA represents over 70 companies involved in the research, development, and production of pharmaceutical products in Malaysia. The association aims to promote the growth of the pharmaceutical industry in Malaysia, while also ensuring that patients have access to safe and effective medicines.


The website provides information about PhAMA's activities, including its engagement with policymakers and regulators on issues related to the pharmaceutical industry. The association is actively involved in advocating for policies that support the growth of the industry and improve access to medicines for patients.


The website also provides information about PhAMA's members, including a directory of member companies and their areas of expertise. This information can be useful for stakeholders who are looking for information about the pharmaceutical industry in Malaysia.


To summarize, here are three takeaways from this website:


1. The Pharmaceutical Association of Malaysia (PhAMA) is a professional association representing the pharmaceutical industry in Malaysia.


2. PhAMA's activities include advocating for policies that support the growth of the industry and improve access to medicines for patients.


3. The website provides information about PhAMA's members, including a directory of member companies and their areas of expertise, which can be useful for stakeholders looking for information about the pharmaceutical industry in Malaysia. 

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