Afformation: Question Your Way To Success (In Sales Or Life)

success through asking questions

Have you ever noticed that you know how to do something, but never let yourself do anything, or at least not in a positive sense? 

There are hundreds of things you could do right now that you don't want to do, but of course, you don't have a "why" for these things and no "how" for them. If you find that your affirmations are getting old or that they are not doing it for you, give them a new twist.

Affirmation Is 

What It Used To Be

Did you know that affirmations are positive phrases that use the present tense to achieve a goal?

The affirmation method was developed by Dr. John F. Kennedy Jr., a psychologist, and author of the book Affirmations. He claims that our subconscious reacts to us, and that is what changes our lives when we make these statements, not the other way around. 

This statement can be helpful when you try to change a long-held belief that is at odds with what you now know to be true. 

Of course, we have heard all the declarations of intent that are repeated time and again to try to imprint positive statements in our consciousness. This is helpful if you are changing a worn-out habit or drawing attention to things you already have in your life that you just wanted to improve a little.

Anyone who has tried it before probably knows that it doesn't work very well. 

Affirmations are known to be one of the most effective and effective forms of self-affirmation in the world. While you may have spent thousands of dollars on a "How to Succeed" program, you may have assumed that it wouldn't work for you. 

Advocates believe that repeated affirmations change the way you think, bring more fullness and success to your life, and make positive things happen. 

Affirmations are statements or mantras that you repeat over and over again, whether you want something or whether you already have something you wanted.

Then Afformation Came 
And Change The Landscape 

The human mind is always looking for and asking for answers to QUESTIONS, so why should we go around making statements we don't believe in? 

This is because we ask questions and shape our reality, not some kind of "truth" or "reality-building." The crucial difference is that you ask yourself positive questions rather than making a statement.

When we ask ourselves and others questions, positive or negative, we invite new patterns of thinking that then begin to form in the way we see and experience life. 

The only answer to empowering questions is to produce answers to our experiences. Asking any kind of negative question will lead to a negative result, but negative affirmations will do it.

That is why Noah St. John invented afformations, which are empowering questions that activate the preposition factors embedded in the brain (premises mean that when you ask a question, the brain is wired to look for an answer). 

Understanding how afformations work is key to unlocking their potential. By asking "why" instead of "what," you prompt your brain to find solutions naturally.

Want to learn more about this process?

Here’s a detailed breakdown on how afformations work and how they can improve your mindset. Then we invent empowered questions that instantly change your unconscious thinking patterns from negative to positive.

Noah does a great job of describing what empowering and depowering questions are and how empowering questions to focus the mind on what to do and who to have. 

Sometimes called manifestation, this technique is based on the conviction that our brain cannot distinguish the difference between reality and imagination. 

The point of afformations is not to find answers, but to ask better questions (I have realized that my quality of life is directly related to the quality questions I ask). When you ask better questions, your mind automatically focuses on things you have probably never focused on it before and the results will surprise you. 

The magic formula is to shift the focus away from negative thoughts and develop actions that the brain can take to achieve the goal that you want to achieve. This approach is called afformation and focuses on asking questions and trying to answer them as soon as your subconscious hears them.

What struck Noah was that traditional gurus align their strategies by telling students to change their statements. 

Noah created the experiment after finding they were more successful with questions than statements.

He also spoke about afformation and answered questions like doubling income, building a business, and living in abundance. 

Muscle tests have shown that many people accept these questions as true rather than affirmations. He received many positive answers to his questions about the benefits of afformation, as well as some negative ones.

Afformations offer a fresh perspective on self-empowerment, shifting from traditional affirmations to powerful, question-based thinking. If you're curious about how this technique can change your mindset and help you achieve success, this guide dives deep into the benefits and practical applications of afformations.


  1. Do you have a favorite afformation, a general one that you wouldn't mind sharing, and can benefit others?

    1. Why am I so effortlessly successful at manifesting my desires?

  2. This is a good one. Thanks for sharing :)

    Remember ... the aim is not to get the best answer but to ask better questions. Keep afforming.
