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The Psychology Of Persuasion Review


Robert B. Cialdini is a professor of marketing psychology and one of the pioneers in the rapidly growing field of behavioral psychology. The Psychology of Persuasion lists a number of different psychological studies on the psychology of compliance and compliance management and provides insights into compliance strategies. It is very informative and instructive, as it underpins what we all know, and the authors use various case studies and examples from professional psychologists from politics, business, industrial relations, etc.


Image shows front cover for The Psychology of Persuasion book
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You may have heard of Cialdini's book "The Psychology of Persuasion," which I believe is one of the best books to teach the basics of conviction and the influence of sales and marketing. Some of the techniques discussed by the authors in the book are in line with my own experiences when it comes to sellers and people trying to get me to buy. Dr. Cialdini also discusses the six principles of persuasion and how to apply them wisely and ethically.

Although this is a great book and all the Principles contain some basic truths, it is difficult to apply these principles in the 21st century because they were all written in the 1980s. 

Persuasion and Marketing

A big part of entrepreneurship is marketing, and the ideas outlined in this book will help you become a better marketer because you have a much better understanding of why people make their decisions.

If you are looking for a book that will give you great insights into the psychology of persuasion and marketing in a way that helps you grow personally and professionally, then read Influence by Dr. Cialdini. Persuasion Psychology is a great book for marketers who want to reach out to the right people so they can connect on a more personal level. 

This classic book on persuasion explains why people say what they say and how to apply that understanding to publishers. Dr. Robert Cialdini is a pioneer in this rapidly growing field and one of the most influential psychologists I have read about lately. 

Hopefully, the discoveries Cialdini made in his book will translate into applications for salespeople and other companies in the field of psychology of persuasion in the real world. 


How can you use this to your advantage and how can you be expected to help others and profit from it? 

You can use the insights from this book to positively influence others and at the same time protect yourself from deception. It is a collection of examples that explain the 6 principles, how and why they work, and how they can be used. Read the pre-suicide summary to learn how to lay the foundations so that people are already more receptive to your message when you present it.

One of the best things I learned in my early life is that I learn from people, whether honestly, dishonestly, or through influence. My Way - a book on the psychology of conviction is Robert Cialdini's Influence, and it's a great introduction to how to apply that understanding.

Influence explains psychology why people say what they say and how they do it. The book highlights the six principles of persuasion that are most commonly and effectively applied by compliance practitioners. The 6 key principles of persuasion have been identified from Dr. Cialdini's extensive research and are shared and elaborated in the book. 


The book is divided into seven sections and provides a great introduction to how to be more convincing in everyday life and how to identify persuasion methods that others use, how to influence yourself through psychology by outlining the 6 key principles of persuasion, the psychology behind it, how to be more convincing in everyday life, and also a few tips and tricks. 

In Short...

It takes a practical approach to understand The Psychology of Persuasion, pointing to examples from the real world in a variety of contexts, including economics, politics, entertainment, sport, and even art. The main message of the book is that if you learn about influence and how to influence, you can lead a better life by being able to communicate effectively with people in your personal and private life. 

This is a continuation - up to 2001 book Influence, which set out the six principles of persuasion.

A bestseller was written that same year for HBR, "Using the Science of Conviction," explored how managers could use these principles to run their organizations more effectively. The author has relied on what he believed was the leading social scientists in the field of influence to see how easily people can cross the ethical line of manipulation and even abuse.

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