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Why Pharma Sales Reps Are Struggling?

Pharma sales reps struggle

Pharmaceutical companies "new intrusive marketing strategies have cast them in a bad light and are beginning to be less welcome. Much of this is down to patients having to be seen every day and doctors now having to do more administrative work. Employees' "inability" to access health-care providers is the result of gradually increasing negative attitudes toward them.

Pharmaceutical professionals once coveted the job of pharmaceutical sales representatives, and the position was highly valued. In order for a physician to be considered accessible, the representative's approach to an accessible HCP must be treated with the same level of respect as that of a physician or other healthcare provider.
From 2012 onwards, a significant change in the industry has placed the brunt of pharmaceutical sales in the hands of repeat offenders. The repeat offenders no longer just had to stop the DTC advertising that used to do all the lifting. This has changed dramatically in recent years with the introduction of new products, new marketing strategies, and the rise of digital marketing.
The number of repeat offenders speaking on their shifts is rapidly decreasing and doctors are restricting visits from their representatives as more and more patients are consulted and administrative work needs to be done.
Pharmaceutical companies like to engage employees through alternative digital channels, such as mobile phones, but one might wonder if the face time that repeats offenders have when communicating with doctors is no more than two minutes, which is less than it takes to connect, communicate, and convince doctors. However, it is not the case that doctors do not want to receive information about medicines from pharmaceutical companies.
There is no doubt that current marketing models require innovative changes to improve access to doctors. One trend that will continue is that access to personal sales representatives will decrease and pharmaceuticals will use more digital means to contact and communicate with doctors, "Khedkar said. Last year, the number of digital touches with the doctor finally exceeded the number of human touches with the doctor, KhedKar told Med Ad News.
Pharmaceuticals clearly need to find new channels to promote drugs, engage doctors, and reach out to them, he said. While doctors don't open every email the company sends to their doctors, pharmaceutical companies can still reach them. Pharmaceutical companies have used many other channels, but the most effective channels this year have been social media, email, phone calls, and direct mail to doctors.
A new report highlighting the glaring problem of pharmaceutical sales teams reveals the lack of opportunity to see sales staff in person. Doctors limit their visits to just two minutes and close their doors to sales staff. You have a salesman driving around with his car and maybe doing five sales calls a day, and the price for a visit is $300 or $500.
Z Associates says staff access to doctors has fallen by a third in the past six years, and the advice is partly to blame for the digital preferences of medical staff. The consultants point to a growing number of young doctors who prefer to communicate with pharmaceutical companies and get their messages through their social media accounts rather than in person.
Pharmaceutical companies, reeling from the threat of losing market share to patented medicines, are re-examining the practice of sending drug representatives to doctor's offices. Retailers are struggling to capture a shrinking market share and adapt to new drug industry rules banning free products such as pens and notepads. It's not that doctors don't mind getting information from pharmaceutical companies - they just don't care, "says Dr. David Dickson, professor of medicine at the University of Melbourne's School of Medicine.
The American pharmaceutical industry had 102,000 sales staff at its peak in 2007, said David Wright, managing director of research and consulting firm Gartner Inc. in New York.
Drugmakers have since cut that number to 92,000, and ZS predicts it will drop to 75,000 by 2020, saving the industry $3.6 billion. Pharmaceutical sales staff have reached a record - salaries have risen by more than $1.5 million a year, according to the National Association of Pharmaceutical Sales Reps. 
Experienced players in the field earn up to $60,000 more than newcomers, according to the National Association of Pharmaceutical Sales Reps, a sales representative trade group.
The tempting five-figure salaries keep the job fascinating, even as challenges arise, such as the rise in online sales and the development of new drugs. But technological advances that have brought positive changes to the field have also made jobs harder for sales staff. Although there are many more sales representatives, the number of full-time positions in the US pharmaceutical industry is declining, according to data from the National Association of Pharmaceutical Sales Reps.
Nowadays, doctors limit the amount of time they are willing to spend with each other, and some are just too busy. Considering that the actual number of sales staff has increased significantly, it is much harder to get doctors "attention", according to the National Association of Physicians. Drug sales It is also important to note that the percentage of calls from industry to doctors has remained relatively constant in recent years. This is because we are seeing a decline in the number and quality of calls from doctors, as well as a decline in sales staff themselves.

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