Sales Basics

Sales Process

Sales Closing

One Of The Sales Opening Techniques That Always Gets Your Customers' Attention

Customers typically, don't have much time to spare talking to sales reps these days and look like it's going to get lesser as we move on. 

What matters is the important message gets through, and it sticks. To get to that, we'll start at the very beginning - stepping into the shoes of the targeted customers.

And preparing to open a sales call does not have to be hard or complicated. 

It could be as simple as gathering info and plan the flow of the request. One of the sales opening techniques that you can use is the 'impactful opening statement' technique.

Technique to open a sales call

Before you can use this technique, you need to take care of a few things first.

1. Gathering Information

There are three useful sources you can use to get the information when it comes to your targeted customers. They are Database, Environment, and Support Staff. 

You want to list down the kind of info you could possibly gain from each source.

2. Describe Customers' Perspective

It's time to get into their shoes. How do they see what you have from their point of view? It might be useful to remember that they want to buy, but hate to be sold! How could you add value to their practice?

Getting on to their side is essential. People readily open to you when they feel that way. It shows your understanding and empathy.

3. Plan Your Sales Call

3.1 The primary purpose of planning is to anticipate what you might encounter during a real sales call. It's to get you ready. The planning process involves four steps:
  • Info review
  • Objective setting
  • Develop a strategy
  • Rehearse

3.2 Meaningful Objectives

What makes an objective meaningful? It must, at least, have three things:
  • The specific - objective is focused and concrete
  • Result-oriented - it might enlist specific action you want the customer to take
  • Realistic - it must not be wishful thinking. It must be practical and real enough.

4. Think long term

You probably would not meet your expectation from a single visit. That's why it's essential to have a long term view of things. You can incrementally work towards achieving your objectives, as long as you're clear of what they are.

5. Impactful opening

What can you say at the opening of the sales call, to pull your customers' attention in?

How can you get a good time and attention?

5.1 Example of the opening statement

Mr. Customer, did you know that only 30% of those who engage in traditional prospecting reach their target goal? The support program has proven to increase that percentage very much higher. Here, let me share it with you...

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