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11 Medical Sales Techniques Every Medical Sales Rep Need To Know

11 medical sales techniques medical rep to know

These 9 medical sales techniques are the techniques that one of the biggest Pharmaceutical companies used between 2003 and 2008. They help reps make a better pitch when closing or equip them with better negotiation tactics. In short, these techniques for selling help them, and perhaps you, sell better and sell more. The methods are as follow.

Related reading: Sales tips for medical sales reps

1. Pre-sales call planning

Here are a few things that you want to consider in your pre-sales call strategy.
  • current situation of your prospects
  • look at what's going on in your prospect business currently and their working environment.
  • opportunity
  • Identify space that allows you to come into a partnership with your prospects. It's a long term view of the situation. 

Can you spot an opportunity to work together with them?

2. Set strategic call objective

  • what do you expect from your call today?
  • what is your long term expectation?
  • does your objective specific, result oriented and realistic?
  • did you record it down?

3. Successful sales call strategy

Based on your sales call objective:
  • what message are you putting across your to your prospects?
  • what are the key points?
  • any visual aids to use?
  • any supporting documents you need to reinforce your statement?
  • what else do you need to get the message across effectively?

4. Impactful call opening

Good impressions lead to rapport and rapport leads to trust. You already know that trust is vital in building a relationship.

Here are your 3 keys to creating good first impressions:
  • develop rapport
  • established credibility
  • professional appearance

5. Powerful sales presentation

You should be able to:
  • develop and deliver Impactful Opening Statement (IOS)
  • list products feature and corresponding benefits
  • develop skills to present products effectively

6. Justifying sales key messages

You want to be able to:
  • prove key message with reprints
  • employ visual aid effectively
  • prove message during your product presentation

7. Check for buy-in

You can:
  • list verbal and non-verbal clues to receptivity
  • state how to use questions appropriately
  • use verbal reinforcement to strengthen positive attitudes
  • use trial closes when a positive response is indicated

8. Addressing concern/handling objection 

You want to know how to:

  • handle technical objection
  • handle competition objection

9. Getting commitment

So here are the 4 steps to getting a commitment:
  • summarize benefits
  • ask for commitment
  • thank the prospect
  • present sample (when appropriate)

10. Talking about other products

Almost certainly, once you become a salesperson for a company, you will be selling multiple items. Except in cases where your bonus is reliant only on a single product, cross-promoting or cross advertising should take place naturally.

11. Follow up

You go back to them about the un-answered query, to provide facts and data as promised, to prepare for event or program, etc. This can be the missing link among the representatives who perform from the representative who makes it big one time and then vanishes. Which one are you?

Related reading: 5 medical sales approaches to avoid to make more sales

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