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Sales Call Plan Quick Tips And Techniques

Sales call plan quick tips and techniques

The primary purpose of planning your sales call is to anticipate what you might encounter during the actual call. The planning process involves 4 steps:

  1. Reviewing available information
  2. Objective setting
  3. Develop a strategy
  4. Rehearse

Set the Objective

This will be primarily based on what you expect to achieve from meeting the prospect. What kind of commitment do you expect?

List what you expect. Think long term.

You probably would not meet your expectation from a single visit. That's why it's crucial to have a long term view of things. You can incrementally work towards achieving your objectives, as long as you're clear of what they are which include:

  • Wanting more info about your products or services
  • To test your products or services.
  • To use your products for specific functions first.
  • To recommend your products to peers.

A. Meaningful objectives

What makes an objective significant?

For you to have meaningful objectives, they must, at least, cover 3 aspects:

  1. The specific - goal is focused and concrete
  2. Result-oriented - it might enlist specific action you want the HCP to take
  3. Realistic - it must not be wishful thinking. It must be practical and real enough for them.

If you reached this part, you've already learned useful tips for the sales call plan. You can only reap the benefits if you put them into practice. That's one decision only you can make. Make that decision and lift your sales call planning skill. 

Call Planning Software

Call planning software

The ultimate goal of call planning is to make external sales staff more effective so they can increase the amount of business generated by each account. If you need more motivation, introducing a sales call planning system will increase your profit margin and reduce your expenses.

It offers you an opportunity to get an action plan for implementation, as well as step-by-step guidance for each step of the process.

If your sales representative carries his call planning worksheet or has a laptop in use, I recommend taking this step immediately after leaving the customer's office.

Alternatively, you can complete this step at the end of the day as a Sales Manager. A sales platform helps you automate the most frequently repeated sales tasks to help you communicate with your prospects.
If sales professionals want to reach their sales targets and make it into the top 10%, they cannot rely on cold calls and random visits.
In reality, their managers need access to the right tools to help them increase sales productivity and complete larger deals.

MBOs and sales route planning software allows you to save maps as PDF or image files that you can print out and save on your computer or tablet. MBOs and call planning software allows you to create interactively shared web maps that you can create with your sales team, and encourage problem-solving as a collaborative department by creating radius maps generated by users - defined circular polygons and travel times.

MBO simply add customer information to your next route, as well as maps of your customer's location and contact information.

With just two mouse clicks you can plan multiple routes for customers and prospective customers and plan sales trips. Sales professionals can create route maps based on radius searches in metropolitan areas but also work with delivery specialists.

In addition, efficient planning can help reduce stress, which allows you to offer better customer service to your customers. Instead of investing time and resources to meet customers directly in different areas, mapping software can support the planning process. Online mapping software can help ensure you stay on schedule, leading to satisfied customers.     


Pipeline Manager is an app that does the work of many and makes it easier for you to plan your sales, all in one place. It works with Salesforce to give sales professionals everything they need to plan the most effective sales conversations to close most deals.

Conducting sales interviews is the highest duty listed in the job description of each sales position.

Like any other operational procedure, the termination of sales conversations must have a plan that employees can follow and learn from. Whether it's a cold call or conversations with warm leads, every sales representative needs to master that in order to be successful.

Pipeline Manager is organized, easy to learn, and easy to organize, so ideal for business leaders. 


Plan 2 Win provides advanced planning for strategic accounts, sales, and sales areas. Make sure you plan strategic sales in your sales area that will lead to deals with high-quality customers.

The AI assistant manages to schedule, booking meetings, adding information to CRM, and performing other administrative tasks so you and your sales team can focus on the essentials.

The innovative mapping technology makes it easy for sales teams to plan their journey in advance, regardless of route. It creates an easy-to-understand map with an optimally optimized route for each step of the sales process. This allows agents to focus on their sales objectives, not travel obstacles, reduces employee stress, and gives your sales team a competitive advantage.

Each business and sales team is unique, and it is critical to plan according to the company's specified needs and requirements, as well as the needs of the agents.


Using software for a sales call plan
Spinify awards points and level badges to employees based on CRM and email activity to create healthy competition and accountability. Track multiple metrics, create rankings and help individual employees with tailor-made goals to be motivated to achieve their own goals, in addition to its gamified sales performance tools.

It is rare that this happens, but it does and you need to complete it as soon as possible after the call as much as possible. 


HubSpot Sales Platform gives sales professionals the tools they need to sell more deals faster with an integrated suite.

Planning your sales call does not have to be a long and complex process, as it can be done in hours or even minutes. 

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