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Spin Selling Workbook

What's inside the SPIN Selling workbook? You're curious to know, aren't you? Well, let's take a brief look into the content inside, and you find what you're looking for.

The SPIN Selling Workbook IS SPIN Selling Fieldbook

If you did an online search for "workbook," the search result page highly likely will show you results for "field book" because that's the original title. The hardcover looks like this:

Spin selling workbook

You can guess by the subject that the field-book lines up the strategy for you to put SPIN Selling technique into practice. The aim is for you to apply its sales strategy for achieving the best results in high-end selling (at least that's what stated at the back of the book!).

You can also guess that, for you to reap the maximum benefits, you are recommended to attend a SPIN Selling course offered by certified consultants, available all over the globe.

SPIN Selling Fieldbook content

Here's the image of the content (not from the original publication) from this fieldbook:
Spin selling workbook content

Did you see anything you're looking for therein?

Oh! In Chapter 3 - Check It Out! - It contains a series of questions to check whether you really know the SPIN model or you know a just a little or you need to be refresh. The questions are the tool to measure your level of understanding. That's all.

This SPIN Selling Workbook guides you through:

  • Individual diagnostic exercises
  • Case studies from reputable companies to illustrate the learning points
  • Recommendation on how to plan and practice the techniques
  • Questions to stimulate thinking and learning
  • Practice sessions that prepare you for the real selling situations

That summarizes what you'll find in the SPIN Selling workbook. You need all the added advantage you can get to increase your sales and revenue, and that makes this selling course something favorable for you to attend to. You only reap what you sow so I recommend you start looking for consultants that can train you ... fast.

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