Sales Basics

Sales Process

Sales Closing

Sales Closing Techniques In 4 Steps

4 steps sales closing techniques

If I asked you right now how many sales closing techniques do you know, I probably get the same answer but delivered differently. You either know the methods, or you may think you know them. This post helps you look at closing sales techniques more objectively.

Sales closing techniques that work

Closing the sale often means you ask prospects for a commitment. If you are working as sales representatives, you often find yourself making closing sales your goal, right? Your sales managers have prepared you physically and mentally for it, and they have taken all their time to pour in techniques to close a sale one after the other, don't they?

It goes without saying that sales closing is essential. It is a part of excellent sales representative skills.

Of course, you do not always get to close the sale each time you make that sales call. One thing representatives missed is knowing ...

When to use the right sales closing techniques

If you use them too early, you might not get the chance to use them again later. If you asked them too late, you might not get the commitment that you're expecting. You might miss that opportunity altogether.

It is vital for you to know the right timing to use those techniques to close a sale.

How can you tell that it is the right moment for you to use sales close techniques?

You can tell that it is the right moment by checking prospects' receptivity through these 3 activities:

  • listening
  • probing
  • trial closing

If your prospects share their concerns or showing specific objections, you make your best effort to handle them and use trial sales closing techniques again. You keep doing these until you gain the commitment from your prospects.

4 steps in closing sales technique:

  • 1) Summarize the benefits
  • 2) Asking for a commitment
  • 3) Thanking the prospect
  • 4) Present prospect with product sample (where applicable)

Here's the sales technique example:

Summarize benefits

"Given Product X effectiveness in reducing human calculation error, save you time, avoid customer complaints..."

Ask for commitment

"I'd like to ask you then, Mr. Prospect when you see an opportunity to use our product, would you be willing to try Product X for that matter?"

Thank the prospect

"Thanks, Mr. Prospect. I think you'll be pleased with the results."

Present product sample

"I'll let you try Product X for 3 reports you've told me about. You want to start using it daily and then give Product X some time, since it is new to your staff. You'll see maximum results once they get familiar with all the functions."

You've just objectively looked at simplified sales closing techniques. If you're familiar with any of the methods above, then, now you know what they're called. If you're new to closing sales techniques, you now can break down their component and start planning on how to improve your sales techniques.

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