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What Martial Art Had Taught Me About Selling

martial arts
I used to be an avid practitioner of martial art. Now it serves as a way for me to break a sweat and burn calories. And it has also taught me a good deal about selling.

Here are two lessons that I've found relevant between practicing martial art and selling:

1) Not all techniques work all the time

There is a particular time that calls for a specific technique. Depending on your goal when facing the opponent, appropriate technology aim to stop the opponent half-way, some at the inception, and the rest from finishing the opponent off.

Same goes with selling. The aim of the inevitable sales process determines which technique to be used.

For example:

Questioning techniques are used to engage the prospect or discover their unique situation.

2) It's not about the technique; it's about execution

Many practitioners (myself included) have demonstrated how well a technique works during training with a partner. When it comes to usage outside the discipline, during private practice with a friend, for example, they find it hard to execute the technique.

More often than not, it's about the CONFIDENCE to carry the technique out. It's the question of "how confident are you with the technique?".

It's TOTALLY not about the technique but how well it is executed.

Same can be said about selling technique.

Why one salesperson using a technique produces better result compared to another salesperson using the same method?

It's obvious: it's not the technique but the PERSON.


Know which technique to use and practice well to bring that technique into confidence state. These bring success to selling.

And I learn these from martial art practice...

If you are practicing any form of martial art, have you learned anything that you can apply to your selling?

Share it here...

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