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Medical Sales Rep Job Interview Answer Tip: What You Say And How You Say It Matter

What you say and how you say it REALLY matter in your sales job interview. This is pretty self-explanatory, but let's look at one example just to make sure you get it right.

What you say and how you say it matters in interview

In a recent job interview, I was asked about what set me apart from other medical salesmen. I gave three answers, and they were all widespread answers.

Answers that you might have cooked them yourselves...

For example, I said that one thing that sets me apart was "I'm a fast learner."

That's what I said.

I choose this because I was going for a sales job with a product that I have never promote or known anything about before. Having the ability to quickly absorb new info is very much relevant in this case.

So, I consciously decided to make that as part of my answers.

Lesson: Do CONSCIOUSLY select what you say to make it highly relevant to what the interviewer wants or, at least, expect.

That's the "what you say" part...

How you say it is even more important

Use your voice to REFLECT your feeling when answering. Of course, some candidates are very good at faking their opinion, but the actual colors show, eventually.

In a face-to-face interview session, conveying your message the right way is imperative. The interviewer can see you.

And they can see your body language too.

The tone and rhythm of your voice will show during a phone interview. There's no way for you to escape from your real PERSONALITY.

Honesty really is the BEST policy.

I strongly believe in "you can't fake it until you make it."

I know some people do.

I know some Neuro-Science teaches this too.

But fake personality washes out fast. The right color shows under "demanding" circumstances.

And being honest work both ways here...

You don't want to get into a job position that you're going to hate soon, and the company won't make a mistake hiring the wrong salesperson! It's a win-win situation.

And that sums up the "how you say it" part...

So, choose wisely what you're going to say during your interview, and say it with your TRUE personality and honesty.

All the best!

PS. If you have any question you like an example to on how to answer it during an interview, send it through my contact page or use the comment box below (others can learn too).

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