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Why Talking About Medical Sales Rep Job Is Boring

Medical salesrep responsibilities

Why People Comes Looking For Medical Sales Job Description?

I can tell you that, no medical sales rep talks about his or her job all day long because, naturally, it's annoying! It's a subject to be avoided. Time is better spent talking about family, shopping, traveling, eating out, etc.

But I'm amazed by the number of people looking for "job description" for medical reps as if it's a strange combination to a safe or something.


Medical sales rep job description is nothing like that.

You see:

Whenever my daughter, who's in her Standard One primary school, asked about what Dad does for a living, she always has a hard time answering.

Of course, how can a child put in words what reps do to earn income...

So, I taught her a few standard answers, for example:

"My Dad is a salesman. He sells stuff to make sick people feel better."
"My Dad runs his own business. He sells medicines."
"My Dad is self-employed. He sometimes works with hospitals."

...and some other "cute" answers.

These answers do not describe what the job really is, but they're sufficient to keep the inquirer mouths shut, or to respond, "Oh..."

Every morning, almost, I'll spend time with the guys from other pharma companies, and we sit down and talk.

I know for a fact that such "ritual" is a pretty rare outside town, but we believe in "abundance" - that Allah had created enough resources to go around, no matter how many we are.

Just like the air we breathe...

No matter how great the maternity rate, how low the mortality rate, the truth is, there will always be enough air to circulate on the face of the earth for everyone to inhale, until Doomsday.

And on the breakfast table, we do talk about lousy customers, leech bosses, double-crosser colleagues, but it only happens less than a few seconds, according to my accurate calculation.

We'll spend more time talking about the latest movies, politics, the newest iPhone apps, Android apps, and lately, we even took the liberty to play games on smartphones!

If that's not enough, we took out the iPad and get connected to the Internet via companies' supplied broadband, and knock ourselves out playing virtual Ping-Pong or what have you, before seeing customers.

How cold is that ey?...

And yet, people still want to know about the pharma sales rep job description.

What's wrong with this picture?

We try to avoid talking about this subject due to its intricacy, and yet, some people want to get a piece of the action.


Their reasons must be beyond me...

When we go home, I personally more interested to hear about what my daughter does at school, what my wife wrote for her Ph.D. thesis, and other kinds of stuff in between.

If they asked me about my day, my standard answer would be:

"As usual..."

And that really represents what a day in the job as medical sales rep sounds like...

...bloody boring, like they say it down under ;-)

And you know what?

I've been writing about pharmaceutical sales rep and what they do since the beginning of time, and up to a certain point, I felt that I've written enough.

And writing about jobs, more jobs and description is...


Bloody boring!

That's the reason why I blend my writing with personal stories, anecdotes, and at times, speculations, about important and relevant points regarding the pharma industry.

I follow Tweet from those who were considered as the front-line of pharma marketing news, and what they talked about, most of the time, was about "share influencing" events and news...


In other words, how pharma companies moving forward churning revenues, and how others can benefit from such sharing.

But talking about making money through buying and selling shares of pharma companies is...

Right again!

Bloody Boring!

I probably had written the word "boring" far too many, and my eyelids are beginning to feel more massive by the seconds.

I believe, if I don't stop now, and stop writing about how tedious (there I go again!) medical sales rep job can be, I'll fall flat on my face and be fast asleep.

I don't want that to happen because that's... ;-)

**UPDATE (June 20th, 2020)**: Just in case you're still wondering, here's what MReps really do...

You probably had time to look at some of our previous discussions about places where you can get relevant information about the sale of medical devices. We will be interested parties (customers) who are predominantly active in the health sector.

For those of you who do not understand the whole idea, I give you a brief "under the skin" to understand what MReps. What I don't do and what we do.

Once you have done that, you will be in a much better position to relate to what I am going to discuss here. If the sale is a step-by-step process, MReps are responsible for implementing the necessary measures at each stage.

For example, they present the ideal product (medicine or medical device), contact potential customers, study the needs of potential customers or customers, and sometimes also offer sales services. They are also involved in new product launches, increase product awareness, and are responsible for marketing new products and services as well as product development.

Attention to market information, achieving the monthly sales and collection targets, and reporting immediately to management and reporting back to management.

Consistently close the performance gap between sales and collection targets and consistently increase sales performance. Consistency in consistently closing performance gaps in sales, collection, marketing, sales, and customer service.

Keep up to date with the development of your product portfolio, be it your own product or the product of a competitor. Keep a close eye on the activities of all your competitors and keep up-to-date with developments in their product portfolios.

Everything you need to know about the roles and responsibilities of a medical sales representative. Identify the opportunity to expand your current business and stay up to date with the latest developments in the development of your product portfolio and your competitors.

Related reading: Job selling medical devices

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