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How Medical Reps Can Overcome Their Anxiety Before Presentation

How medical rep overcome anxiety before giving a presentation?
As medical reps, others might turn to you for support during 'high anxiety-induced' events, such as kindergarten graduation day, as MC.

That's what exactly happen to me yesterday.

Medical sales reps will run multiple kinds of presentations, ranging from individual to group presentations. They also come in many formats: video shows, slide presentations, and at the very basic, detailed brochures.

Asked any sales rep veterans and they'll tell you that, even for experienced people like them, they still anxious before each presentation.

The difference is in the intensity, and how they manage them.
Let's imagine, for a moment, you were going through my experience yesterday:

It all started when my wife agreed to MC our daughter's graduation and presentation day. She thought that it would be her final contribution and token of appreciation since our daughter will be in primary school next year.

I just went along with it.

Two days before the main event, something uncalled for happen to my wife ...

... She came back from work one evening, she's a lecturer by the way, and she experienced a terrible headache.

And she gradually lost her voice!

She claimed that the culprit was the dust from materials she's working on.

But that's not the issue here:

How is she going to MC the graduation day the day after tomorrow?!

Good grief she didn't panic.

She made a few phone calls, despite her husky voice, to a few capable friends:

One friend is her colleague who frequently MC her Uni function. But she was bogged down with something else.

The other two persons she called were her cousins, both were teachers teaching English and Maths (in English), and both turned her down for the same reason - shyness - because they know no one there!

So finally, she used her persuasion skill, and seduced me, her husband.

I agreed, reluctantly.

She volunteered to write the text for my speech at the event.

I refused politely, saying that I want to do it my own way.

This was a last-minute thing so let me run the show my way.

And she respects that.

And this is when my 'wisdom' as a medical rep, having handled many presentations, overcome my anxiety, and put up a smooth show.

Related reading: How to mock detailing bits of help reduces anxiety for a Pharma sales rep

Here's how reps can overcome anxiety before giving a presentation:

  • Been there before
And I don't mean physically.

I was there in my mind the day before the event.

I did not pay a visit to the hall where the ceremony takes place, I just imagine the service happens before my eyes, and I stood there as the MC.

Tips: It works better if you can use associative imaging where you get involved in the event, instead of seeing you in it.

With the tentative program in my hand, I let my imagination runs.

It turns out to be very successful if you asked me.

  • Free of structure

There is a program that I need to stick to ...

... But I can choose the manner of sticking to it.

Things like what I say as the intro, what to say as fillers, and how I summarized the event were left to me, totally. Just the way I like it. Total freedom.

That's the reason why I politely decline the text from my wife.

I knew I had it in me :)

  • The goal is to have fun

Fun time triggers the release of useful hormones that help you to become even more energetic and focused.

I did feel anxious ...

... I feel the butterflies fly all over my stomach, but I focused more on enjoying the moment.

That works out to be super useful.

I just run the show like it belongs to me from the beginning!

If, as a medical rep, you have important events and presentations coming, remember to:

imagine the situation the way you like it to happen
free yourself from 'parroting' the task
and focus on enjoying the moment.

All the best!

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