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Why Pharma Company Really Hires You?

Before we get into today's subject, let's do a quick recap on the previous article that talks about steps to becoming a pharmaceutical sales rep.

If you have read that article, you know by now the 2 simple steps you can take to get hired as a rep. The best thing about these steps if you don't have to leave your desk to execute them. Once you get the result, then only you have to move your backside off the chair. Sounds very convenient, right?

You might want to consider revisiting the article to get the full details of the steps.

Now, let's jump into today's topic, and let's discover the real reason behind why you get hired by a Pharmaceutical company.

The Real Reason Why Pharma Company Hires You

I'm amazed because out there candidates have this wrong belief about why pharmaceutical companies hire them.

How's that so?

Here's how I see it:

Typically, when a candidate applies for a job as a sales rep for a pharma company, he or she will fill in the resume with scores of accomplishments, accolades, good grades, extracurricular activities, etc. to impress the potential employer.

Now, I'm not saying they're not crucial because resume or CV is just that but put yourself into the employers' shoes for a moment. If that's hard to imagine let me tell you this:

Pharma companies hire people for income potential

But realized this fact - it's not the candidates' income - it's theirs.

See the difference?

If you have a degree in such and such field, the employer will think:
" How's that will add to the bottom line?"

If you have some sort of experience over the years, they'll think:
"How's that going to support the business strategy?"

Every reason is for the benefit of the company. Nothing personal, just business.

So, if you're listing down the items in your resume, make sure they resonate with what the potential employer inspires to achieve - from the business point of view. If you say you've worked for company A for example, for numbers of years, that means you can offer 'what' for this new company?

Think along that line.

In short, since right now, Malaysia is experiencing a burst in graduates numbers due to recent graduation, I recommend them to think about what they're bringing to the table for the potential employer.

Tell them what they want to hear, not what you have because the very reason pharma company will hire you is a very selfish one - for their own income (revenue/profit).

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