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What Are The 3 Most Important Qualities You Should Have To Be A Pharmaceutical Sales Rep?

Previously, a reader had asked about what is needed to be a drug rep. Since drug rep is another 'nickname' for Pharma sales rep, the answer to that question is very much related.

You can just go back to see if they are closely related to each other (it's just a click away).

If you're done reading that article, you already know at least 5 qualities that candidates or potential sales reps for pharma need.

In this article, we're just going to look at the most essential qualities:

3 Essential Qualities You Need to Have to Be in Pharmaceutical Sales

If I'm hiring a new pharma rep recruit right now, these are what I'll be looking for:

  • Open Minded

Pharma line or industry often time is something new to many people. On top of this, selling is something people want to avoid so combining new field and sales will give you absolute scare!

Many will be afraid to get into it, but all will be taken care of, initially, with an open-minded attitude: the attitude of exploration and trying out.

I heard of a saying that goes: "The mind is like a parachute, works best when it's open."

  • Teachable

Some people join pharmaceutical with prior experience while others starting afresh but one thing I can share with you if these people come in with the attitude of 'I know what's best' then things are not going to be easy.

Like the ancient saga said, "Be a glass half full or empty, then wisdom can be poured in..."

  • Discipline

I confess that during this tough economic time where companies try their very best to keep cost low and profit up, home-based is like a norm. I know some people like an office to spark the working spirit, but if you're based out of office, then discipline is the only thing that will wake you up early and keep you awake late at night. And I don't even touch the reporting and paperwork that a sales rep need to clear out. Very, very tough without discipline.

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