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Tips Pharmaceutical Sales Rep Can Use To Ace Their Product Test

Some Pharmaceutical Companies set up a periodic test to keep their sales reps on their toes. Passing the test, then, becomes a Key Performance Index (KPI) for the reps. This KPI can influence how much the pharma sales rep earn in total.

Unlike taking it while in school, the product test while on the job can be highly hazardous, especially when it involves 're-test' or salary cut if the mark you get is below passing mark.

Totally scary...

But do not fear. Help is here. Try my time tested study for test tips that will surely pull you off this trying times.

Are we set?

Here goes:

Tips Pharmaceutical Sales Reps Can Use To Score In Their Product Test

  • Scan the whole material

The first thing I usually do before 'the Day' is to scan through all the material. Take a look at the product inserts, learning notes, and heaps of folders full of product science and background.
And start worrying because I can see that I don't have enough time :(

  • Separate the most important materials

Most of the time, it comes in the form of past test questions (and answers) which I quietly gather from senior reps ;)

I start to feel relief...

  • Answer the past test a few times

This is to make sure that I'm familiar with the questions and answers. Even if the examiner shuffles the questions or changes some of the verbiages, I can still recognize them. That's the whole point of the repetition.

By now, I feel confident to take the test. YES!

  • Switch on the TV, laptop, or PlayStation

Or whatever you choose to your liking to kill some time relaxing. Do not skip this process because this is the part where the material studied will be digested and sorted during this period. In fact, I consider this the most essential part of the whole study process because it's the most FUN and enjoyable!

But stick to a specific time limit for this, say, forever?! Huh! Seriously, set some time off ya ;)

  • Repeat. Revise

And see if there's still an unsettling feeling inside you. Otherwise, pray to Allah for His mercy and guidance. We can plan, but He got to decide whether the plan will be carried out.

  • And One DON'T:

I do not busy myself telling others that I got the set for past test scripts. It would yield harmful consequences, especially if the trainers caught you in the act. Better to be safe than sorry. Keep this little dark secret to yourself and if you feel the right time has come to pass it on, then, and only then, you talked about it. Comprende?

What do you think of my time tested tips for studying as a pharma sales rep? Neat? Wicked? Awesome?

Share your thought below...

PS. I suppose to put a 'donate' Paypal button before allowing any of you read this post. I personally believe that this post is super valuable ;)

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