Sales Basics

Sales Process

Sales Closing

The True Essence Of Selling And Why You Need To Know It

We've gone through the 3 most essential qualities you should have if you want to be a pharmaceutical sales rep. If you remember, those qualities are not exclusive. You can develop them with the right knowledge, and guidance.

The same goes for the subject of today's article ...

You probably get thousands of answers from salespeople or non-salespeople if you ask them about the true meaning of selling. How they perceive what auction really is, determines how they react in a sales situation. We have plenty of those situations right now even with the economic 'slump.'

What is the true essence of selling?

Pause and think about it for a second ...

I would like to make a confession. I believe I truly know why I find it hard not to sell up until now. It got nothing to do with the economy, dream, peer pressure or everything else but it had to do with only one thing...

C - H - A - N - G - E

I now realize that 'change' is the true essence of selling.

That's the reason why I'm still holding on to this profession against all the odds.

I am, in fact, all of us is in the state of constant change. Rarely we remain static. We have to change, scientifically, to stay static. The unseen movement of the atoms that constantly change maintains us as we are. They change positions, but we can't see it nor feel it.

So selling is changing...

I've touched on this somewhere before, but it became prominent just recently while I sit quietly for a soul-searching time.

I was asking myself:
"Why I still want to sell?"
"Why is it still relevant?"

Then it dawned to me the relationship between selling and change.

And that changes my perception:

  • Have you wondered why the selling tactics years ago are not working today?
  • Have you ever wondered why you're not getting the result you expected even when you engaged your most stellar tactics?
  • Have you ever noticed that the whole pharma industry is totally a different playing field now?
  • Have you noticed that you can't be the same to move forward?
  • Have you see, hear or feel anything different around you right now?

If you're selling, please bear in mind, right now and in times to come, you MUST change to move ahead in selling.

Indeed, if you find that you can't let go of your sales job, perhaps it's a sign that you're doing something terribly right - you are changing - and it is wise to stay to the end to see how the end result unfold.

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