Sales Basics

Sales Process

Sales Closing

How Does Pharmaceutical Sales Work?

By now, you've already known the true essence of selling. You also know, by having this understanding, you have a different outlook towards what sales and its related jobs are about. You now can look at selling with an altered mental filter, and that invariably produces a different set of attitudes.

And attitudes are essential in pharmaceutical sales or any other industry for that matter ...

And today, we're going to look at one more fundamental of Pharma sales. It comes as a question from a reader, and the questioner wants to know how do pharmaceutical sales work.

If you were the one receiving this question, what is your interpretation of it? Does the reader want to know about how the Pharma Industry operates? Does he/she want to know about how Pharma Salespeople work?

What could be the actual question behind 'how pharmaceutical sales work'?

For me, this is a pretty interesting question.

Perhaps when a person asks,"How does A work?" the answer will invariably be the whole story of the mechanic of A. You can guess by now that A is inhuman. If it is, the answer is totally different.

Now, suppose I understand this question from that angle:
How would I describe pharmaceutical sales?

My answer: Pharmaceutical sales work when a pharma company develop a product or products and want them to be in the hands of end-users (consumers). Usually, sales come after marketing strategy is produced; in other words, it translates how the product is going to turn into revenue for the company.

My daughter, she's 6 years old. She always has this problem whenever others, especially her teacher, asked about what Dad does for a living. She'll say something like, "My Daddy sells needle to sick people." She often gets the nod after that, and the conversation stops.

It rarely continues because people assume Daddy is in some kind of business and the silence or nod suggest their thought of it - "It must be an illegal one!" :)

And my daughter actually had summarized how selling in pharma work. The company had a product (needle), and I sell it to 'sick' people (the market/end-user).

Of course, the whole process is a lot complex than that, but it is how things work with the pharmaceutical industry.

It's no different than other industry when it comes to selling.

Oh! Maybe in pharma, the selling is not too apparent because specific product need to be sold to the middlemen/women - the Prescribers - namely the Doctors who will then use the product on the patients (the consumers).

Maybe that's a big difference...

So, does this puts your curiosity about how pharmaceutical sales work to rest?

If not, let's continue in the comment box below :)

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