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More Pharmaceutical Sales Telephone Techniques To Help You Get The Sales

sales call tipsBefore I go straight into the heart of the techniques for selling through the phone for pharmaceutical sales reps, there are a few things that we need to be clear:

Perhaps, the most important thing I want you to know is this: Phone selling, ideally, is not meant to close a sale for a rep (well, if you know my attitude towards closing then you know that I don't believe in it!). It's the initial step to secure an appointment with a prospect where you can sit down and meet face to face. That's the objective.

Plus, here's an article which I wrote some times back, and I firmly believe very much relevant today: Win more sales with these quick telephone sales techniques. I'm not discounting phone selling, but it's good to get the heads up, right?

In fact, in my years of a pharmaceutical sales career, the only time when I used the phone is when I'm following up a call, securing a future appointment, clarifying next issue with long distance customers, or something similar. I had never once use a phone to obtain an order.

Is this a sign of incompetence?

So, what do you think? Do the tips make sense?

And to top it all, I have listed some simple tips if you must use the telephone to increase your sales. Perhaps, this is not something that you can achieve in a single sitting, but depending on your product and industry, even if it's outside pharmaceuticals, you can implement them and yields the benefits nonetheless: Improving teleselling sales script.

Leave your thought below. I'd like to see how masters of the mouthpiece respond to this info :)

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