Sales Basics

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How To Fine Tune A Pharmaceutical Sales Rep Mindset For Success

Fine tune pharma sales rep mind for success

In the previous post, we've learned the importance of starting right on the first day as a pharmaceutical sales rep. You know how to that by now with a simple 2 steps action plan. When you get things right on Day 1, you create a strong, lasting, favorable impact on your colleagues and customers. These are the people you're going to work with the most in your job function.

And this article is going to address another critical subject ...

Why it is important?

Have you heard the saying: Attitude determine your Altitude?

It was coined by the authority in sales training, and we can find its coherence with the real working environment. This article is going to address the first part of the saying: Attitude.

Attitude is something within your control, and it begins with your mindset.

We are going to explore how pharmaceutical sales rep like you can fine tune your mindset that leads to success.

I probably have a lot to say when it comes to pharmaceutical sales rep and mindset, and how to fine-tune it for success. But with the interest of getting the most out of you; not from me, I have decided to focus on an area which many of you are too familiar with, and that is prospecting. This is, in my opinion, the most critical but 'taken-for-granted' area for the salesperson. I will briefly explain why herein and later on recommend something you can immediately act upon.

Seriously, I'm not interested in teaching you; you probably have more on your plate than me.

But mind the fact that sales teaching produces knowledge; not the skill

Skill can only come from training and hours, and hours of training. You must also know that knowledge actually prevents ability.

Now, there are two general ways which you prospect for customers:

  • First; you actively seek them out

By actively seeking means making cold calls and just appear on 'suspects' doors trying to make contact with them.

  • Second; you lead the prospect to you
  • .

Granted that this is a more sophisticated way, but the pay-off is much, much better. In fact, this is actually how selling supposed to be but of course; it is something understood by selected few who positioned themselves high in selling effectively.

To put the thing into perspective; imagine a box full of metal tacks in front of you. They all look the same except for the fact that some of them are made from pure metal and some are made from brass.

If you want to separate those two, you have two choices:
  1. Take out and separate each one; one by one (active selection)
  2. Design a system and let the tacks separate themselves (passive selection)
Immediately, you can see using a magnet will create a system that allows the tacks to isolate themselves. And that's precisely what you want to do when selling:

You want to create a passive mode where prospects will funnel themselves into segments which allow you to attend to them accordingly.

The caveat here is you got to spend time to design the system.

So right now, after you have finished reading this article, set your mind a new standard; one that says, "I'll design a system which allows my prospects to come to me." That is the massive selection at its best and believe me; it can be done. It will take a bit of time, but it can be done.

If you think that the traditional way of prospecting will produce higher sales figure for you; think again. It has proven to produce dismal results for the past 60 years, and it will never change if you repeat the same pattern.

Something got to change for the better and why not begins at the 'beginning' - PROSPECTING; create a passive flow that allows prospects to qualify themselves for your offer.

Tell me what you think...

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