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First Day On Pharmaceutical Sales Rep Job: What's The Best Thing To Do?

Pharma sales job day one

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Perhaps, from there you finally land on your pharmaceutical sales job ...

And in today's article, we're going to look at something to help you get started when you land on that job.

Do you realize that beginning your first day on the job with the right foot forward creates a strong impact from colleagues, and customers?

Colleagues and customers are people you're going to meet the most in your job function so it makes a whole lot of sense if you can get started on the right track from Day 1, agree?

Since I'm restarting my career as a pharmaceutical sales rep after taking three months off from the market, I had come across the same point when once I got a helping me to show me the way. But right now, I am alone in a more competitive environment, and I knew instantly that I got to leave my ideas about 'what should have' and 'what must have' behind.

Things have changed, and if I want to move forward, that is what I must do correctly. So if you find yourself in the same situation, this probably will be of great help.

You see, I did ask my colleague whom I replacing about how he went through his first day. But unfortunately, there was nothing much he could share with me since he made no stable recording of the event and it seems like he really wants to put that behind. I understand and respect that...

So I asked another colleague who is still working, and she suggested something to me. The best thing is, it includes detailing a product to customers that the previous colleague missed out. Huh! What a good idea and what a brilliant plan too. But the problem is; I am too DAMN proud to detail to customers on my first day, and besides, I believe there are more useful things that a rep can do beside detailing, which should leave at the very end of daily activities.

Why? The simple reason is that I did not know who my customers really are; what they need, what they want, what gives them pleasure, what causes them pain... There are too many questions to ask, and I doubt that my predecessor could supply me with the answers.

  • So what's the best thing to do on this first day?

Personally, I would want to learn all I can about my customers, at least knowing who they are and their whereabouts.

  • Then the next step is to come up with my Check! moves

I truly believe this industry has its own moves which are unique and different from other industry.

SIDENOTE: if you don't know what Check! The move is, a simple explanation I could offer is it's a series of actions salesperson can control to bring about the results, i.e., sales commitment.

I can really understand people who suggested detailing as a first-day activity. I know that their boss and bosses' boss drill that to them. But it is evident that such pattern creates dismal results for more than 60 years. So, should we follow this losing pattern of doing a thing? You see, if what you do did not produce the result you wanted, then why keep doing it?

You cannot dig a new hole by digging the same hole deeper. And someone told us earlier, "Insanity is doing the same thing but expects different results!" To be honest, I am not putting myself into that hole and description. I will do something different. I am a NewSell Instructor (read all about it here).

And I have proven, so many times that knowing something about your customers means more than knowing everything about your product. Hell! Do they really want your product? If they don't, then what do they want?

I have decided to spend my first day doing just that - getting to know who my customers are... Now, how would you spend your first day?

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