Pharmaceutical Selling Model: Two Step Processes I Am Going To Implement Immediately

Today's post is actually a spin-off from yesterday's post: the ONLY rule needed for pharmaceutical sales rep success. You might want to go back to that article to understand its message.
Implement two steps process
Using the idiom of a new selling strategy that I am practicing right now, I am going to immediately implement two-step selling processes that were scientifically proven to get me to my objectives. I do not have to worry about the end-results; that is the least of my concern, and I only have to concentrate on one thing: Get on with the process.

So what is this selling module for pharmaceutical sales that I am talking about? In actual fact, these processes can be used for other fields of selling, and in some studies, they have proven to yield almost 10 times the results that were previously gotten with traditional selling strategies.

What are the processes?

  • 1) Creating value-added solutions or propositions for prospects which in THEIR mind are better than what they currently have...
  • 2) Designing a passive flow to allow prospects to select themselves...

And the best thing about all this, which makes me very anxious, is I will be able to exercise the most valuable RESOURCE at my (and your) disposal which is CREATIVITY. This allows any salesperson to think in abundance and would not let scarcity or 'poor' thinking to lead the way.

I am going to immediately implement this once I commence my new job. Unlike what I have done previously, I wait for the right time to start. This time, I will just START. Sounds the bell; I am fully loaded!

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