The Only Rule Needed For Pharmaceutical Sales Rep Success

Rule for pharma sales rep success

You might want to give the previous article on the most significant loophole for pharmaceutical sales job interview a quick read because you'll have an added advantage on your side if you think of applying for a job in a Pharma Company Sales Division or if you want to change position. The loophole tip works fine in either situation.

Today's article prepares you for the right things to come with pharma sales job ...

To reach the level of success selling pharma products you need to abide by a certain standard. In other words, you need to live by a particular principle or rule to make sure you attain success. It does not happen by chance. It does happen by following successful tracks of others.

If you talk to many successful reps, you'll find different sets of rules they have sworn by ...

You probably get overwhelmed or confused with too many things coming at you at once. That's why in this post, we're going to look at one rule that can take you through the path of success.

I am about to start a new career with a new pharmaceutical company. I feel anxious right to the gut, but at the same time, I feel a sense of confidence. Why? Because this time I believe I am more prepared to face the upcoming challenge.

The first thing I will abide by as a success rule is: I won't CLOSE the sale.

Yup, I admit that I am a massive believer to Michael Hewitt-Gleeson's Newsell. I probably will purchase his latest creation; WOMBAT SELLING: How To Sell By Word Of Mouth but until that time, right now, I am 'practicing' the lessons in Newsell.

And by practicing, I really mean pouring the hours and effort into getting on with the process.

That is the ONLY rule needed which in my opinion, will ensure my sales success more than any other factors combined. At the same time, I am also testing the ideas to some business join-venture which I decided to participate before accepting the pharmaceutical sales job.

Killing two birds with one stone; why not? And like my profit-making principles from a long time ago; when I want to take up a lesson, why not have somebody else finance it for me? In other words; why not learn and earn at the same time.

I know it is possible. It always is.

Why I think this will work?

First, customers will always hate 'OLDSELL.' There is no way that they are going to fall for that strategy anymore, in fact, such a plan can hardly be called a 'strategy' because it is not strategic.

  • Think about it: How can it be a strategy when the outcome is determined NOT by the salespeople?

Salesperson appears to be in control but in actual fact, they are not, and they will never be able to control it, ever.

  • Second, a salesperson (that's me), will always love NEWSELL for the simple fact that it reduces the factor that sap energy to keep selling, and that is: REJECTION

The reason why rejection is common with OLDSELL is that the focus is put slowly on the end-result; CLOSING.

Maybe that is why I am too anxious; I cannot wait to put the process to work.

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