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Why Leave Pharmaceutical Sales For Device Sales?

You've learned how to handle anxiety when making a presentation as a pharmaceutical sales rep. If you're not a rep, you can still benefit from the tips shared. With a slight adjustment, the tips work just fine for any presentation you need to give regardless of your industry.

And there's the question once again ...

Once in a while, you'll read my post to answer questions asked by readers of this blog. For example, a reader once asked about why he/she should make the change from pharma sales to diagnostic sales. It's a question concerning job shift from selling medicines to selling devices.

And in this post, an almost similar question was asked:

If someone were to ask me, “Why to leave pharmaceutical sales for device sales?” my given answer is going to be a mix of personal and strategic reason, but the former carries more weight, definitely.


  • Reason #1

First, when I accept ‘voluntary separation scheme’ (VSS) offer from the Giant Pharmaceutical Company, at that time, I vowed not to come back to pharma, unless I was taken at gunpoint. I hate the fact that the current industry situation in our local scene is filled with bias and ‘pea brain’ upper management!

I would not come back unless it changes, which looking back, make me feel silly because the thing is, the situation could not change by itself. It needs outside force, like a fighting spirit from the dejected person, like me…

  • Reason #2

Secondly, I want to do something new, something which I had no experience before, and it will serve me in making my resume looks damn good! And I did not have pharmaceutical on my list of possible next career in sales.

But a resume is a strategic reason.

Related reading: The difference between Medical Devices sales to Pharma Sales

Diagnostic Has More Long Term Growth Potential

Other strategic reason includes long term growth of the diagnostic industry.

After making some simple observation of the trend for the healthcare industry, I have come to the conclusion that the future of it is in the area of diagnosis. I mean, how much can a pharmaceutical company grow after a drug exclusive patent expired? When generics companies start making their way into the market, how long can it survive?

Things look gloomy to me, and that prompts me to choose diagnostic, as a strategic move.

But boy! Was I in for a surprise…

You see, what I ‘failed’ to track is the pattern of the diagnostics market in this region. Since I know better know, maybe I should have to look more in-depth and read beyond the financial goons report figures. I should have known better that there is a high probability that these reports and data are made by people with high commercial interest.

In other words, they are made by liars!

YES! Numbers do not lie, but liars make the number. I have said it myself countless times, but I overlooked it in this instance, and now, look at what it has cost me. But it has served as a good lesson to me; next time, come up with my own tracking metrics.

Related reading: Medical devices sales jobs

What Would I Advice People Who Is Thinking About Changing To Diagnostics?


And think again.

In fact, the more you can think about every angle of the possible motive and consequences, the better your decision will be.

But of course, if you knew everything, that will be a bloody conclusion, not decision. There is the part which you will not know for as long as you live and you need to go ahead and make the call.

You got to live with the fact that your life, at times, is shaped by the question you ask, as much as the question you FAILED to ask. Suck it up and move on. What did not kill you will make you healthy.

But my personal recommendation as of TODAY is: HOLD your ground and look for opportunities in the same industry.

Growth in diagnostics is not an empty promise, I give them that, but it would not happen as fast as you want it to be.

Most customers still using the same analyzer they used four or five years ago, and they probably upgrade to the same brand in a heartbeat. Changing the mindset of users in the most significant and most profitable segment of the market, the Government Hospitals, is filled with too many drama and bureaucracy.

When it comes to this stage, and probably it will stay for the next 5 or 10 years, or so, I imagine only those who are ready to sell their soul for the devils to bring home the money sack, will survive.

Why leave pharmaceutical sales for device sales? I will answer, “Why even bother?” and that is it for now, honest to goodness. Will this change? Perhaps, but you got to wait for that.

Related reading: Medical devices sales

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