Sales Basics

Sales Process

Sales Closing

What Should You Do to Get Into Sales?

If you have ever asked the question: “What should I do to get into sales?” then there are a few answers that I could give you off hand. They are how I got started and continue with the profession. Before you proceed, I suggest you get comfortable and read this article through, and then pick the one that applies to you.

It might appear simple but do not get too comfortable because it might not be easy.

In the previous post, you've gotten the answer to what you need to be a drug sales rep, a specific sales job. This article shows you how to get started with a general kind of selling. These concept can be applied to almost any kind of sales need. Use them to familiarize yourself with sales.

And first thing first ...

The First Thing You Do to Get Into Sales

Quite simply, just apply for job that requires you to sell:
That is it.

Find a job that requires you to sell to earn your salary and just go ahead and do it. In fact, if you are looking for the magic bullet to solve your problem in getting into sales, then getting involved is it! No need to read millions of pages on how to do sales or how to prepare yourself for it; you learn best when you just do it.

I remember one of my trainer, when he was asked by someone to show him how to sell, his response was, “I cannot teach you how to sell. You learn to sell when you sell, when you do it!”

And that is all you need to do.

What Else Can You Do?

In the recent years, there was a healthy trend developing, and it is called ‘Multi level Marketing’ (MLM):
It has become one of the best business opportunities around and it also has become one of the ill for the industry. It is highly likely that you are going to be hated than favored when you mention the word ‘MLM’.

But here’s the thing…

What really happen in MLM is product get moved from manufacturer to consumers, and the way they do it is through chain of people working together to do it. It supposed to be the best opportunities, as regarded and approved by many, but it also creates ill because there people misuse the trust and process.

Rather than going through a well designed sales funnel, they look for shortcuts. Most of the time, shortcuts could not be copied thus created a huge gap in results, or in other words; income.

And those people start to talk bad about the whole process, even though there are only a handful of people doing it. But that is beside the point.
The best thing about this opportunity is, the chance for doing sales is open the minute you sign up with a company. A good company will provide you with the necessary training and materials to get you started.

Of course, the people who brought you in will spend time to mentor you how to sell. This is the typical and legal structure of a MLM company. There is no substitute to its effectiveness whether you join right now or 10 years ago.

You must sell and you must sell well:
If you are thinking of doing sales, it is probably good to start with MLM low risk approach. You will get plenty of practice and knowledge necessary to make yourself familiar with the process and once you have become comfortable, you can venture out to bigger and loftier goals.

But start somewhere...
So the answer to the question: what should I do to get into sales is simply this; go out, and do sell something. It might be awkward at first but as you go along, you can evaluate if this is something you really want to do.

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