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What Do You Need to Be a Drug Rep?

In the previous post you have learned 2 factors that contribute to pharmaceutical sales reps income. If you remember, the final remark for that article is income, right now, is severely affected by bad economic situation. There's no clear time-frame to how long this condition will last. We just have to make the best out of it.

And today we're going to answer another question ...

We are going to look at what you need to have to join Pharma Industry as sales person:
You probably think work related experience, and relevant degree as compulsory requirement but what else is there? What else you can bring on the table if you have none of the compulsory stuffs?

Here is how I am going to answer the question of what do I need to be a drug rep, based on my slightly over a decade of experience being one. Before I proceed, I want to make sure that you are clear with this:

Whatever you read here is totally my personal opinion and I make no guarantee whatsoever that you are going to get the same results as I did.

  • You need a strong ‘want to’

I remember when I graduated from college, the ONLY thing I want form my future career is the potential to bring me a whole lot of cash. And at that particular time, I only see career in selling will be able to deliver that.

I was inspired by a career talk delivered by an Astra-Zeneca Sales Manager at my school right before graduation.

Even though Astra was not the company I end up working with, I did search for other pharmaceutical companies and had the privilege to work with a few of them including Pfizer Inc., Roche Pharmaceutical and Roche Diagnostics.

I can tell you, it is not my degree that leads me back then, an even now, but my sheer want to build a strong financial position through my job. That is why strongly recommend you start there.

  • You need to take action

Wishing is not going to take you closer to your dream career. You got to start looking and getting in front of as many companies as you can. Like in my case, AZ was the first company I exposed to but not the first I worked for so you probably not going to land a job straight away in your first trial even if you wish you had.

  • You need to be persistent

Apparently, action alone is not enough if it is not coupled with persistence. Keep your eyes and ears open to any available opportunity from any companies; ethical or generics, and if you meet a bump on the road of your employment, do not easily get bump off track. Keep your pursuit and do not give up.

  • You must learn fast

With the availability of all sorts of resources online, there are no excuses for you not to learn about this industry. But the trick is; you got to learn them faster than the next possible candidates. The best way to learn them is from those who have walked the path before, and I do not want to make it sound too obvious but I know ONE person who fits the description nicely…

  • Keep improving

Every failed attempt, every rejected application is your best teacher. It will point you the way to a better approach, a better way to write your resume and CV, and others. So learn from it and make sure your next attempt will take you closer to your desired goal. What do not kill you will make your stronger.

These are parts of the answers to ‘what do I need to be a drug rep’.

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