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Do You Need a Degree to Be a Drug Rep?

In the previous post, you discovered the answer to what it takes for you to get into sales. You've learned 2 simple actions to consider if you want to get your feet wet in sales, figuratively speaking. Both activities are interdependent, which means you can choose to apply one or apply both. It's up to you.

And that particular article touches on general selling ...

Long before that, we have also answer a question from a reader about things they need to know to be a drug rep. We have concluded that there are more than just experience, and the degree to be a rep.

The answer to the question: “Do you need a degree to be a drug rep?” has two faces, which is YES and NO. I will explain why it is so, and you can read it through to see the one that fits your current situation now. This is not a definitive answer but more of a guideline.

The First Answer: Yes, You Need a Degree!

The most ideal situation where this is true is when you are applying for your first drug rep job. Perhaps you just graduated, or your previous post had nothing whatsoever with science and selling. A degree is such a situation is an advantage. Why?

Let’s face it…

Right now, the number of graduates being produced by the Ivory Tower has exceeded four or five digits at any given time. That means, more people with a degree are wondering around the earth. The sad fact that we have to live with currently is; the number of a job offer is less than the number of job seekers!

In fact, the ones already in the job market are at the verge of losing their position without a warning sign. That is the fact, and it is quite pathetic.

And this creates a competitive environment; so competitive that once a fresh grad enters the job market, he or she will aim for one thing only, and that is ‘survival.’ It is a dog eat dog world, and everybody is for him or herself.

So that is the answer to why you need a degree. You need it because everybody has one.

The Second Answer: No, You Don’t Need a Degree

On the other hands, if you are anything like me, for example, you have been working for more than one multinational pharmaceutical company, in every possible field, serving all available channels, and then you probably do not need to have a degree. Why?

It is because obviously, you have your experience to speak on your behalf.

And perhaps, experience speaks louder than a printed degree. I said ‘perhaps’ because there are instances whereby your vast experience amount to nothing for the company.

Do you need experience in the same field?

It helps, of course, but I had colleagues that come from multiple backgrounds, like banking, law, and service. Since they had the working experience, and probably the look, they are qualified for drug rep post offered.

And adjusting to the new field is not a problem because training is provided. The company will make sure that the reps are fully equipped with selling, persuasion, and charming ability before they are thrown out to the field.

I remember when I first got started 10 years ago, the training commandment was simply this: if you cannot convince, you confuse them; if you cannot confuse, you con them.

That was the harsh reality back then, but things have changed a lot ever since.

An effort has been out to make sure this job and industry are filled with honor and respect, and the current batch of administrator and industry leaders emphasized the importance of evidence-based selling for the pharmaceutical industry.

Because of this, many training modules and materials are relatively new:
Some veterans’ sales reps find it challenging to adjust to the requirement of having to relearn what they consider as their ‘staple food,’ but it must be done.

I vividly recalled the trepidation some of my older colleagues, who have served the same company and the same market for more than a decade, going through the materials in the new training modules that covers basic sciences, like physiology and anatomy.

They feel like they are back to school, and they hate school!

But I can see that, for newcomers with a degree, even though they have not to study sciences before, the will and competencies to succeed are so strong that they can adjust without a blink. I, at times, feel shy when they surpass me during the small, indoor test.

So, to answer your question whether do you need a degree to be a drug rep or not, I suggest you look at your current situation and see if you relate best to Answer 1 or Answer 2. Honestly, right now, I think having a degree is a big help because there is a lot of new things to learn, and it is just like good old school days if you get what I am saying…

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