Sales Basics

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Product Sample Presentation Strategy That Win Sales

In the previous post, you've been introduced to Steven Covey's sales strategy. You ought to know by now that it was not a 'branded' strategy but rather a typo from online searchers.

In this post, we're going to look at how successful salespeople use samples, as in product samples, to win sales.

Is it enough just to pass the sample and then get the customers' signature? 

Is it enough to pass the samples and product brochures? 

What's the most effective way to utilize product samples, and win sales?

We're going to discover the answers to all those questions in this post, and to kick off our discovery, let us look at:

Strategy for presenting product sample

Before Presenting A Sample

Groundwork is important. 

Before sampling took place, you should have a complete background of your customers' current situation and why it is crucial for them to choose you. 

A simple analysis of customers' condition can be summed up in:
  • N--What is their situation NOW? What problem are they facing? What is holding them back? What is their business obstacle? What are they using now?
  • E--What they ENJOY about the use now? What makes them stick to the current solution?
  • A--What they want/wish to ALTER? What's not perfect yet about their current solution? In what area they want to see improvement?
  • D--What's their DESIREd solution look like? Can you supply it? Can you contribute?
  • S--How would your offer SOLVE the problem for them? How can you provide a solution?

You must at least have answers to all the questions above, and if you look closely, these questions build the foundation from which you can create your offer on--by demonstrating with the sample if necessary.

From this point on, you probably have a basic idea of how you are going to approach your customers with your offer through your sample--do they even need sampling at that point in time? 

If you have done the preliminary assessment and decided that a sample is required, then you need to decide on...

The Format Of The Presentation

Depending on the market you sell your product to, and the type of product or service you're promoting, a carefully thought out presentation format can go a long way.

For example, if you are selling Urine Test Analyzer to the Hospitals, a brief PowerPoint presentation and a little demonstration on how your analyzers can help give your customer a better (or faster--whatever their biggest desire is) result is appropriate.

But as alluded earlier; different folks, different stroke...

... Which makes your pre-sampling stage very important!

Some customers in a particular industry will settle with just 'gimme-the-thing-and-I-figure-it-out-myself.'

Presenting Your Sample

The whole idea or concept during your sample presentation is 'relevancy' and 'value-added.' Don't underestimate the impression that good bags for samples have too.

Make sure your sample solves a valuable (read most important) problem which your customer is currently facing. 

Don't go for the small things which they can 'live-by' but target the most annoying problem which keeps them late at night, and wakes them early in the morning...

... And tell them how an offer can solve that.

As a simple guideline, you can structure your presentation like this:
  • Tell them what you are going to present--what you'll cover in your presentation; your OUTLINE
  • TELL them--with their desired solution in mind and how to do it through your offer
  • Share with them what you've TOLD them--summarize to reinforce your benefits.

If you have done an excellent job earlier and likewise when presenting your offer, the final stage is going to be a 'walkover'...

Post Presentation: The Follow Up

The sample presentation is not a one-time event
. You may think that it was over when you finished with the last word from your performance but in reality; it has just begun. Your real 'job' is after the presentation where you want to follow up with your customers and see if your offer 'ticks.'

... And you want to strike while the 'iron is still hot'...

The biggest mistake many salespeople commit is they fail to learn from their FAILURE, i.e., when the customer did not take up their offer. They just walk away with their head down and accept rejection! Well, why are your customer refuse your proposal? Was it something you said during the presentation OR...

... Was it something you DID NOT say during the presentation?

You don't want to focus on the small thing your customer is facing, but you want to take care of the SMALL thing when presenting because you do not want to leave any 'stone left unturned.' Cover all your base and learn if it's not working out for them.

If you can follow this to the tee, then you're going to have an efficient sample presentation sales strategy.

Product Sampling Story: Strange But True

I came back to my manager one day to tell him that a customer just bought the company product.

The best part is:

I did that without using any product samples whatsoever.

His reaction was a partial joy (I think)...

... And time moves on.

One day when we had our district sales meeting:

"What happened to your sampling in Private Hospital A? Why I don't see a single request from you?" asked my manager.

"Sample? Why I need to sample them when they already buy?" I replied, puzzled with such a question.

"You make me look bad during my meeting. I want you to sample them. Just write the request. I want to see them coming," he spits the order.

I remain dumbfounded until today.

My fantastic brain could not compute why such an order is given when a thing is working fine.

What's the purpose of sampling?

Was it to influence the buying decision?

That's against compliance policy.

To provide experience to the user?


In what sense?

They BOUGHT the product already.

Which part of "bought" is not understood?

Product sampling, in this matter to me, is strange, but it is all too real.


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