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What You Need To Know About Non Invasive Healthcare Product Sales Reps That Make Them Different

By now, you should have good basic knowledge about the different career paths of pharmaceutical sales. 

You already know, at least, 2 of the main ways which are: pharmaceutical sales career and medical devices sales career. 

Give those articles a quick refresher to make sure you don't miss anything important.

And now we're off to discover yet another unusual career path related to the healthcare industry ...

This time we're going to look at non-invasive healthcare products sales rep: what it is about, why it is different, and a bit about choosing the right company to serve. 

The fact is, some of us will prefer to go down this path as it involves less invasive procedures on another human being (go here to learn more about non-invasive medical devices advantages). 

Invasive procedures are not cruel, but some people prefer alternatives.

When I mentioned ‘noninvasive healthcare product sales rep’ to a friend who happens to be a pharmaceutical sales rep, he says, “Is it direct selling?” 

I am not surprised with such a reaction because it has been generally accepted in the industry that non-invasive means alternative.

And alternative always takes the back seat.

I remember at one time when I was introduced to the concept of Molecular Reform Therapy, during a Direct Selling Company meeting; I was amazed by the amount of evidence that was brought forward.

Some of them are near the ‘clinical trial’ level. 

I mean, if they were double-blind, multi-center, placebo-control studies, they would have qualified easily.

But can they qualify as healthcare product sales reps?

Non Invasive and Invasive Products – What is the Difference?

Non-invasive healthcare product difference

To put it simply, invasive healthcare products are equal to medicine. 

They work based on sound pharmacokinetics principles and display consequence pharmacodynamics properties.

Too much to absorb? 

Let me simplify it.

Pharmacokinetics means what the drugs do to your body. 

Generally touches the aspect of absorption, distribution, metabolism, and elimination.

Pharmacodynamics, on the other hand, affects what the body does with the drugs. 

I hope that briefly explains both terms just so you know what we discuss over here.

So non-invasive products might have the kinetics and dynamics of a drug, but they are not intentionally developed. 

Their therapeutic effects are inherent. 

They are there whether we recognize them or not. In other words, they are natural.

Does That Mean Herbs?

Not exclusively. 

Although natural can be related to herbs that are not the only noninvasive ways out there. 

I do not know if acupuncture fits the bill because there is some form of ‘invasion’ involve, but the principles behind that suggest non-invasive ways – using my own body energy, electrical impulses, etc.

So far, no company quantifies the strength and bottles it to be sold publicly.

Why Choose Non-Invasive Treatment?

Emerging trend in healthcare industry

To make sure that there is a profit to be made in this industry, it is best if we measure the demand that already exists out there. 

How do you measure the market? 

Ironically my personal experience tells me that the best way is to gauge competition.

In the healthcare industry alone, the emerging trend shows that consumers want to feel better without having to suffer through the nasty side effect of medicines.

For example, a cancer patient would ‘kill’ for treatment that causes them to heal naturally rather than losing hair, sleep, and appetite during treatment. 

Herbs and first fruits have become the next best choice for them, and in some instances, the primary choice.

Even with a lack of clinical evidence, the healing effects are overwhelming and could not easily be denied.

Which Company to Work For?

There is no easy answer. 

You may want to choose based on the company’s stability, track records, and the kind of products it promotes, and where it operates. 

Just follow the usual route in prospecting a company – Classified ads or by doing a Net search. 

Polish your resume to match the requirement and be persistent.

To me personally, non-invasive healthcare product sales reps are something new, but I believe the skills and knowledge needed to pursue this career are no more different than what I am doing right now. 

The products may differ but not the way to put them into the end-users.

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