Sales Basics

Sales Process

Sales Closing

Here's What I Think About Selling For A Diagnostic Pharmaceutical Company (After Three Month)

I also said to you that I understood the General Manager, regarding the question about how long I would stay with the company that it depends.

I haven't got the chance to elaborate to you the part about 'depends' ...

Are you interested to know OR are you couldn't be bothered?

I'm going to talk about this a bit anyway (HAHA!), and by the end of this article, you might understand the reasons behind my decision to still keep both of my feet in this industry. 

This piece is handy for those of you out there who are thinking of joining the medical diagnostic industry and for those who are thinking of changing your portfolio.

Continue reading to discover the force that keeps me inside:

3 months gone and I'm happy to report that I'm still hanging around.

Is that a good or a bad thing?

Obviously, if I'm still around, it's a good thing!

So what makes me stick around?

Let's just say, my current industry and my current company are full of surprises, and I like that only because it keeps me on my toes...always.

Allow me to explain:

Since I begin my job, I only receive the figure to how much I need to do for the whole year 2008 and its monthly breakdown, i.e., my BUDGET but...

I never receive the figure as to how I did monthly (even after 2 e-mails, a few SMS, and calls).

I'm always guessing how much I did for a particular month (how my performance like).

If I were asked that question, I don't know the exact answer. 

Sounds like a massive handicap to me but hey, it's a surprise, isn't it?

When I don't know the answer, I just do one thing I know best in such a situation - move on, but...

I'm taking a different direction:

I knew my Boss's strategy is to 'expand' the user base. Mine, however, is to 'maintain' whatever base that I'm having now no matter how BIG or small.

It makes sense to me.

You see...

I've found out that Diagnostic has a very stark difference compared to Pharma in terms of service. 

In fact, I can simply move a sale (a huge one I might add) by rendering a super-duper service.

And the main reason for this is my customer's TALK, and they talk a LOT!

They talk to each other. 

They talk across the specialty. 

They talk among department members. 

They communicate with neighboring state peers. 

They speak to their bosses. 

They talk to other people's bosses...

...they talk to almost everybody!

That's why it makes sense to me to maintain top-notch service. 

They'll talk. 

And the sales happened magically. 

Just like that.


I'm not kidding. 

When I had to do my PowerPoint presentation for the coming Cycle Sales Meet, I've found out that I'm 29% above budget and about 65% of my total whole year budget.

This is the kind of surprise I'm talking about (it's the one I'm looking forward too also ;)

If you think that's the only surprise, wait until you hear this one...

I had a dialogue with one of my colleagues. 

He joined 3 months before me (so he's 6 months with the company now). 

I asked him, "How long will it take before we're confirmed?"

"6 months is our probation period," he replied. 

"I just got confirmed," he added.

"Oh really? Good to hear that. Good for you." I said.

I received my letter of confirmation end of last month (June 2008). 

That's 3 months from the date I joined. 

I just smiled at this revelation.

This is the BEST surprise of all. Why?

Confirmation means 'basic salary increase.' 

(It's not 'compulsory though). 

I don't see mine increase :(

Confirmation means, if I want to leave the company, I got to work for one month or pay my one month salary to go early (or get my prospective employer to pay).

But the icing on the cake is, I got to earn my incentive from now on. 

All of it err...minus the Government share of course (Income Tax).

That's the icing. 

And I just cut it 3 months short (in my case).

Again, this is the kind of surprise I'm talking about.

Well, 'nuff talk on my surprise. 

Let us hear yours - 

What kind of surprise you look forward to from your industry or company? 

Will you change for a better surprise? 

Or did you already change for a better one?

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