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4 Reasons Why Selling For A Diagnostic Pharmaceutical Company Is Tougher Than Selling For A Drug Company

You probably have got the chance to put any one of the tips to test. 

How does it work out for you thus far? 

Do share your feedback in the comment box below, and let others benefit from your feedback too.

For today though, I'm going to present the selling of medical diagnostic products from a different angle.

The things I'm about to share with you are purely from my personal observation, and they might be in line or even contradict with your current situation.

I do welcome any thought on this matter ...

You see, I've been selling Pharmaceutical Diagnostic products since March this year. 

It's only a month or slightly over a month, but there are so many things I've discovered particularly about the company and not so much of the industry.

I rant elsewhere about my new career, and I concluded that this is something to consider: from selling Pharma products to Pharma Diagnostic products

I still stand by my conclusion, and I'm about to add something to that.

It could be shocking :-)

After going through the training and put myself in the field, I can see that this industry is actually MORE challenging than my previous pharmaceutical sector. And I'm only in this for slightly over a month!

Why did I say so?

These are the reasons:

  • 1) The nature of the job

Selling diagnostics more challenging than selling pharma

In my own words, after spending one month of my working days in this industry, I summarized my JD (job description) as a marriage between serviceman and dispatch.

I repeat serviceman and dispatch!

You see, when a diagnostic machine is placed in our customer's premise, even though there are this Application division and Engineering department, it is highly likely that if a problem occurred the customer will call you instead of the 1-800 service center number.

A customer wants you to troubleshoot hence the serviceman job.

The dispatch job comes about if any of our customers find themselves with tons of short expiry reagents or the devices tools. 

They'll make a 'panic' phone call, and everyone will be running high and low to entertain them. 

More so if the customers belong to a critical account group. 

It's not unusual to see something 'extra' get done to iron things out for them.

For a pharma sales rep who changes career, it's the serviceman job that'll get ya. 

I thought the situation was simply to sell...

  • 2) The customer's behavior

Diagnostics rep end user

Most of the customers I'm dealing with so far are the end-user. 

Being the end-user means they are 'always right' (you've heard this before: Customer is always right...).

The reality is, they're NOT still right especially when it comes to managing their resources and operation but if anything goes wrong, guess who'll do clean up;-)?

  • 3) The agent

Choosing diagnostics sales agent

In Malaysia, our company could not directly supply our merchandise to the customer. 

It's done through the 'agents.' 

They are specific criteria to describe these agents but to simplify things, choosing the wrong agent means to prolong the tussle between the company and the end-user about who's right.

I've seen it myself. 

Even if we argue 'until the cow comes home,' the blame invariably falls onto us - the company.


Because we're the ones facing the end-users.

  • 4) The payout

Diagnostics sales reps compensation

For some, this topic is out of scope, but if you pull any guys and 'gals' who leave the industry, this is the NUMBER ONE reason why they left. 

This is not surprising at all. 

With that kind of pressure and expectation from both the company and end-users, just a tiny proportion to compensate them is hard enough.

Especially when they compare to 'relatively' low-workload'-high-payout pharmaceutical selling. 

I know this will never be justified but has been playing on both side of the field, I understand exactly how they feel.

In fact, I salute those who stay that long (above 5 years).

One day, during one of my training days in HQ, the GM came by and was talking to a few reps. 

He finally spoke to me and asked me this: "So, how long are you going to stay with us?"

"It depends," I said. 

And he just smiled.


It depends and I'll soon tell you what.


  1. kantan...........nice article. i know u will be excellent in this new job - like u always do

    1. Thank you Kantan!
      (replied after 12 years, and YES, still in pharma)

      All the best to you too :)
