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The Biggest Hurdle To Overcome When Re-Starting On A Job

If you've been 'jobless' by force or by choice, what's the biggest hurdle to overcome when re-starting on a job? 

I believe I'll get 10 answers if I asked 10 people but what I'm about to share might be shared by many re-starters like myself.

restarting new sales job

I guess a little background is appropriate.

I quit my previous job by choice. 

I've written about this all over this blog, and I'm certainly would not want to rewrite it. 

Not even the summary. 

But coming this March 2008, I'm going to restart on a new job, with a new company, and in a new field but still within the same industry: pharmaceutical.

This coming Monday, March 3rd, 2008, I was called in for a 3-days training. 

It has already begun - the meeting, the training, and the marketing and after that, the actual selling. 

My wife gives me a heads-up for future change, and it relates to this post subject.

Things have changed. 

I was not the same person I was a year ago, the year when I stop receiving my monthly payslip. 

The most significant change that I foresee as my biggest stumbling block for starting a new job is my 'attachment.'

Attachment: Biggest Hurdle to Restarting on A New Job

When I write this post, I think that if I were to read this post myself, I would guess that the biggest hurdle is 'momentum'

the body in rest tends to stay in rest.

I've rested for one whole year, so there's a strong tendency for me to stay 'rest.' 

But getting over momentum is not a big thing. Not as big as an attachment.

Especially 'emotional' attachment.

A single change took place in my life that marks a turning point - the birth of my daughter. 

She's 16 months now. 

What I've gone through in those 16 months weaves the fabric of my emotional attachment, and I find it hard to cut loose.

That's the biggest thing I have to overcome before I begin my new work schedule.

Restarting On The New Job It's Hard Because It's An Emotional Decision

The only reason that makes it so hard is the emotional nature. 

Momentum to me is more of a physical environment, and I can find its remedy in a snap. 

For things like emotional attachment, the solution is not evident.

I have to look deep and hard to find it.

How deep and how hard?

Judging from my current attachment level, that means 'really' deep and 'real' hard. 

Imagine wakes up every morning and the first thing you see is your daughter's face. 

Now, most of the time I woke up to the voice of my daughter, to her giggles, to her saliva on my cheek, to her cries.

I guess the alarm is going to replace all that.

I told one of my friends, a would-be Medical Consultant, during our conversation in HUSM Kubang Krian Kelantan yesterday, now I understand why many guys want to work from home, why they want to take care of their child and why they want to watch them grow.

I told him I understand that now.

So What's Next?

I will continue with my new job. 

That's a commitment I've made, but I need help with the biggest hurdle to overcome when re-starting on a job.

Can you help?

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