What You Can Learn From Adverse Event News Caused By Counterfeit Medicines?

I just want to check in real quick, and say a few words...


I'm taking what I'm about to share with you as part of my redefinition of proactive. The news you read in mainstream media, such as newspapers, might not be entirely reliable, but they provide perspectives on a subject.


Individual perspectives cannot be controlled, and with enough personal views, a mass perspective will be formed which carries a different consequence. Let me illustrate this by using an example, and by the end of this article, you'll get the take-home message.


For the purpose of illustration: Today, in one of our local tabloids, the headline is featuring KAMAGRA: a counterfeit form of Viagra. The subheads emphasize the fact that the number of Kamagra-related deaths is increasing.


Now, I don't want to question the credibility of the tabloid (though it was known for featuring 'hot' topics for the sake of increasing circulation too often). An inquisitive mind like mine will immediately ask this question:


'Did this come from the conclusion of a double-blind, randomized, multi-center, placebo control trial?'


And anything less than the above attributes will find its way to the dustbin. But NO, I'm not questioning your credibility.


Now let's focus on the implications of the news...


There are a few possible angles from which we can approach this issue:


* There are many 'Male' out there who want added performance (natural wasn't enough)

* They believe in the 'drug' (in this case Kamagra)

* They're willing to part with a portion of their hard-earned Dollar/Ringgit to get it

* They DON'T have a clue!


See, I didn't make that up. It's evident that many males only think to the extent of the size of their 'you know what' (typically it's 6 inches long!). And that's it. They move ahead and take the risk. A 'health' risk. Not many of them I'm sure, want to fall sick intentionally, but here, they don't mind risking it for a promise of pleasure.


The intention wasn't wrong. The tool was.


Choosing the wrong tool for such an essential and 'noble' function (even just to please the male ego) is riskier than walking on a tight rope 200 meters above ground with no safety net! I mean that literally. And seriously now...


'How much did you put on the price for your pleasure?'


How about the next 20, 30, 40, or 50 years of your precious life? Is it worth it...30 to 60 minutes of pleasure against 30 to 60 years of 'life'?


The warning had been broadcast extensively through the media: print or electronic, but if it still happens, then all I can say is, "They're missing the point."


The point is, it's not about choosing between the original drug (that's Viagra by the way) or the generic, and even the counterfeit version, but choosing between peace of mind and doubt. Have we ever considered that perhaps the low price of a counterfeit is balanced out by a higher risk?


Maybe we never do that until... somebody dies!


And I'm not suggesting you should rush to buy the original either...


During an Aidilfitri (Yes, we're still celebrating) dinner later today, organized by one of our community members, six of us...err. FIVE 'olders' and ONE junior (me) hang out outside our host's house to chit-chat.


One of them said, "Hey, what's the deal with this Kamagra thing?"


"Ask our 'Doctor' lah," said another.


"So, 'Doctor'...?"


And I said, "Actually Kamagra is a counterfeit of Viagra. The issue with this is manufacturing and the source of the drug. For all we know, the manufacturer could be living next door, packing his stuff right from his backyard. How safe can that be?"


"So, should we take Viagra?"


"Not really...unless you 'really' NEED it, like you're having an erectile or hardness problem, and your partner can't stop complaining about your 'very'" I added, which was followed by a thundering laugh from the rest.


"Natural is the way to go, right?"


"Yup!" I said. "Let's just put it that way."


Remember. You've been WARNED.


Go figure.


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    1. Thanks for sharing your thought herein.

      IMHO, use medicines when it's really necessary.

      Just be cautious and be safe.

      Thanks once again for stopping by.
