Sales Basics

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Sales Closing

A Starting Point For Those Who Are Shy But Want To Learn To Sell

Starting point for those who are shy but want to sell

Greetings All,

Sales beginners often get overwhelmed by the amount of info available around them, which claim to guide them to sell. I understand. I was there before.

If you got the chance to read my thought on how The Greatest Salesman In The World helps build your selling skills, then you would understand that almost everybody can sell. There's a spot for those who can't sell, and we better leave them there.

In Pharmaceutical Selling, we get different kinds of people joining trying to make a living OR for some...trying to make a 'huge' income. But whoever you are, whatever background you currently carries, some of you will have to experience this:

"I've never sold a thing before!"

And if you asked how they feel doing it now, most of the time you get 'I'm shy. I don't know how to do it...' or something similar.

I remember when one of my ex-colleague from Roche(M), came down to Kuantan to work with one of his PS (Product Specialist). This particular PS, a lady, by the way, had a background in Chemical Engineering from a local Uni. She became interested in the Pharma Industry because one of her study subjects was about manufacturing mention a company.

Obviously, that company was Roche.

If I'm not mistaken, it's about GMP--good manufacturing practices and Roche was one of the companies regarded as having high-quality GMP. Apparently, during the interview, our PS friend caught a surprise.

She was asked to do a sales job...and she has 'lab-work' on her mind...

But the heads on. I can see that she was left in the dark for the first few months on the field. Well, maybe there's no transparent mentoring or coaching system in place... perhaps the lack of initiatives...maybe the manager got no idea what to do with her.

For whatever reason, if I were in that place, this resource I'm about to share with you, will take away most of 'first-timer' shyness, put them into 'influencing' highway, and create results faster.

Provided the tips and knowledge therein are practiced:

Give this a try. It has helped countless others in combating their shyness and communicate better. It sure had helped me when I first got started.

PS. Do you know some of the most important skills in sales?

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