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How Using NLP Modelling Helps Malay Pharma Sales Reps Succeed In The Industry

Why my face keeps appearing when they mention 'model'?
Yesterday's post was about the 'Science' of performance - Neuro-Linguistic Programming, and how a Malay Pharma Rep can utilize NLP for their benefit. I personally have used a few of the techniques discussed in NLP such as 'The Swish' technique, changing submodalities, and 'anchoring.'

You can find all these within most NLP reference books, and I do strongly encourage you to study them.

And the part in my opinion, as the most crucial element in all NLP techniques is Modelling. I've mentioned it in the last post also. And now, I'm gunning for the details (partly). I'll share how I personally utilize modeling in a Pharma selling situation.

Butt-saving Disclaimer

But a disclaimer here: I don't guarantee the outcome as it'll be most likely to vary depending on the situation, and I'm not responsible for 'the how to's.' The implementation of the techniques is an individual responsibility. I take no liability whatsoever.

Let's get on it...

Why 'modeling'?

It's always beneficial to know what's behind a technique as it will give us a background of its conception. The same goes for modeling.

Based on the presupposition that: success leaves clues, what happens now, for Malay Pharma reps to succeed in the industry, they need to look for a 'successful, high-earning, top-performing Malay Pharma Reps' to model or follow.

But in actuality, such reps are like dinosaurs... they either extinct or hiding somewhere in 'No man's land.'

That's only the beginning...

I until today, am yet to 'discover' such reps. I look high and wide. Up and down. Left, right, and center. Many of those who I came across were either 'lucky' or 'surviving.'

If we were to model them, guess what... we'll be either lucky or we'll just surviving. That's not what I'm looking for myself. Certainly not for you, my fellow readers.

Back then, I've decided to model salespeople from 'overseas.'

No doubt they're not Pharma Sales Reps, but they have very 'sound' selling techniques. And they're easier to be found. Just visit your nearest bookstore. You're bound to bump into one in the 'selling and marketing' section.

I didn't choose our so-called local champion. They too share the same traits (lucky and surviving).

Having found your ideal 'model,' next and this is even more challenging, is the modeling process. Modeling steps. Which brings us to...

How to model (partly)?

Why partly? I'm not certified... that's for one.

Second, 'partly' because the interpretation of the techniques is genuinely mine. Yes, there are written manuals out there, but still, when it comes to our local Pharma selling scenario, it's up to us to improvise.

Hence I call this stage 'partly.'


When we say 'modeling' (guys and girls, please, it's not the kind of modeling you have in mind), NLP had three things that one needs to model to ensure the process is a success.

What are the three things?

First, model their belief.

Second, their mental syntax (huh? go get the reference).

Third, model their physiology, their action (the physical part).

My experience tells me that, the third part we model naturally like, dress the way they dress, talk the way they speak, and walk the way they walk. That's not so hard.

The first and second steps... that's where I think I fail miserably.

Imagine, I've found a Top Performing Malay Pharma Sales Rep to model. I buy him lunch (he's from a different company by the way), and we talked.

My goal is to discover the first and second parts of the modeling process. My NLP reference had supplied me with specific questions to ask, and clues to look for, be it in words, eye-movement (fancy huh?), and overall body language.

And I sit there for hours. All I got from two or three occasions I've been were typical:

"Before you get to where you're now, a Top Performer, how was it like to you?"
"It was hard. We used to carry bags, whiteboards, all those sales brochures, and gimmicks... it's hard these days."

"Hard ey? What were you thinking every day in such a situation?"
"I thought... I should have listened to mama and study accountant instead. My friend is already a big shot in his firm."

"I see... but what change that makes you perform extremely well?"
"(Chuckles) Mr. XYZ was promoted last year. And I've known him since my first day on the job. When he was still a houseman. We're buddies. We golfed together. We scuba-dive. And I always arrange dinner with him and his family. We're a friend, and now he's the Purchasing Pharmacist so..."

"Oh, I see..."


How do you expect to model them in this situation?

The true aim of modeling

You see, the main goal of modeling IS to find a way, a strategy, a technique, to bypass the unnecessary 'long' and 'puzzling' success trace. The person, we model, had trodden the path. So we only follow them.

But that's not always the case. There was never a path, and we're left blindfolded.

Don't get discouraged though. If you read what I've written here from day one, you'll notice a pattern of belief that I've held and have helped me much to scale the Pharma Sales mountain.

If you like, you can model them.

And the 'how to's'? They're scattered all over this blog. Study them. Improvise them to your own situation and DO tell me about them. Love to hear about the ugly and the beauty of it.

To your success.

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