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How To Use Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) To Overcome Challenges For A Malay Pharma Sales Rep

One of my personal NLP books collection
Previously I wrote about the challenges of being a Malay Pharmaceutical Sales Rep. I did address some problems ways to overcome them. But that was 'unintentional' because what I 'really' want to do there was just to name the challenges.

How to overcome them is supposed to be another topic in another post.


Success leaves clue

Do you believe that 'success leaves clues?'

That's, by the way, is one of seven 'presupposition' you'll learn in NLP.

"What's NLP... presupposition... and why I want to learn them?"

Allow me to address each and every question (consider you've asked them) above...

Neuro-Linguistic Programming

"NLP is..."

An abbreviation for Neuro-Linguistic Programming. Huh? Some of Pharma companies over here had integrated NLP into their selling lessons like GSK, Schering-Plough; just to name a few.

Sidenote: Here's a quick introduction to what NLP is.

It's a Science of learning how to produce an 'optimal' outcome by changing specific 'modalities' in our sense and that by itself can eradicate phobias, nervousness, and tension.

'It's that simple huh?'

Yes, it's THAT simple.

'Does it work?'

Unbelievably well! It's excellent... And the most important 'revelation' of NLP is 'success leaves clues.' What you can do with this info is you can begin to 'model' other success.

But this is not as simple as it sounds though...

Understand the foundation

First, one must understand 'the presuppositions,' seven in all, of NLP. Why? Because this is the foundation where all NLP strategies and techniques are based upon. By knowing this one can avoid the 'honest mistake' - a mistake committed honestly following a wrong way... mistaken as the only way.

You can see a lot of this among academicians. Seriously. Many use their intelligence to 'defend' out-dated theory and findings, taking the approach and conclusions as the truth. It's hard. I know. I got a 'D' in one paper for proving my ex-lecturer wrong!

And you can see that in medical practices as well. With all due respect, doctors have all the right in the world to prescribe medicine, and we take their advice as it is. Even the information that was six or ten years old was new, and more positive research outcomes are available for that particular disease to say; hypertension.

I remember when I first promote Dilatrend (Carvedilol) for Roche, many prescribers still subscribe to viewing heart function as a 'Pump-Model.' And there I was trying to improve Dilatrend in a newer 'MANA Model - Multiple Action Neuro-hormonal Antagonist.

Talk about 'honest-mistakes'...


"So, what're presuppositions?"

Honestly, it's nothing but few sets of beliefs about how the mind works. And how we can control them base on Scientific evidence. It's a science as well as art. Or one of the prominent practitioners is fond of saying,' It's a science of literature and art of science.' Please... do GET confused.

Basically, it's believed. And remember I've told you that one of the challenges for Malay Pharma Reps is mindset and attitude? These two are intimately connected. The meeting point is to believe.

It then makes sense to learn all those presuppositions and start changing those old 'limiting' presuppositions, doesn't it?

Do you have 'limiting' believe about making calls?

What about writing reports?

What about your Boss? Your career? Your future in the Pharma Industry?

And so on...

I'm not a certified NLP practitioner. I can't teach you this high-quality stuff. But there are so many references out there for you to devour.

Do look out for them.

Start changing your 'reality' for the better and you do want a better reality don't ya?

If you said YES, then that's the reason...

"Why I want to learn about them?"

To your Pharma Sales Success.

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