If you haven't, give the previous article on how to succeed as a Malay in the Malaysian pharmaceutical industry a quick read. This article just picks where that one left.
Being a Salesperson is a challenge in itself. Being a Pharma Salesperson just add it some more. And ultimately, being a Malay Pharma Sales Rep, in our local Malaysian market, IS the most challenging of all.
At first glance, my statement seems to be an emotion-laden, 'bias' filled and lop-sided. Is it? Ask any Malay Pharma Sales Rep today, and you'll be hearing almost the same thing. And it's exactly like what I've summarized above.
I make no reserve in making those statement.
I'll list down six challenges, which by no means implying there are ONLY that much problems being a Malay Pharma Sales Rep. But half a dozen would suffice now.
So, if you have any intention and desire to build your career in Pharmaceutical Industry in our local market, and want to have 'slice' of the high-income 'pie,' read this post carefully. The same goes to those of you who are thinking to have a career change as well.
6 Challenges As A Malay Pharmaceutical Sales Rep

Needless say, he's the 'most' senior Product Specialist for his company in his region. And he's a Malay. His Bosses come and go, but couldn't be bothered. As long as he gets his salary every month, that's.
Well, it's not Ok! How many opportunities he'd passed up simply because he got a mindset that says,'It's enough to have a job'?
He'll be carrying those detailing bag all his 'working life.' How lucrative such job is? Can you see yourself in the same position all your working life? I know I don't...
The attitude. Ziglar once said 'Your attitude determines your altitude.' A close cousin for mindset is an attitude. Your approach is basically your belief, according to Tony Robbins. Your confidence determines whether you will do the job well. Your opinion will decide if you'll do the job extra well. Your belief decides whether or not you want to do the job exceptionally well... and be immensely rewarded as well.
It's all about the attitude.
Your attitude towards selling will also determine how long you will sustain in building your Pharma Sales career. And that's a big challenge for Malay Sales Reps because they give up quickly... and left other Reps with all the treasure for the taking. Pity...
The Behavior. 'Attitude support behavior and behavior support attitude. We can't tell exactly what's going on inside some one's head, but we can readily see their attitude. And I always observe a 'devastating' behavior display by fellow Malay Sales Rep... procrastination. In fact, I'm guilty of this one. It has caused me the lost opportunity, lost higher incentive payout and more rewarding working condition.

Let's face it. Not everybody readily reciprocates whatever 'good deeds' we've done. On the other hand, we did good deeds with no intention of getting 'paid back.' But in business, the reality is, if you didn't use it, you'd be used.
I still remember on fasting month in 2006, I was asked to drive up to the office HQ in Shah Alam for my appraisal. My Boss was chasing the deadline, and the examination was deemed too important to get done any other way. Or was it?...
I started my journey a few minutes before 5 am (I was from Kuantan. It's a 4 hours drive), and I arrived slightly before 9.30 am. I've made a few stops along the way for praying and all, and with the 'peak' hours of KL, I was on time.
We began our session at 10.00 am. By 11.00 am my Boss said to me, "Can you stay back until after lunch? I have an important lunch appointment with a customer. Find a place to lay down. You're fasting right?"
I regret until today that I didn't say these words, "Well, either we finished this now, or I'll just pack and travel back to Kuantan. I promised my wife we'll 'breakfast' together."
The behavior is etched in me. I should've changed it. And that's a challenge. If you're facing the same problem, meet it upfront. Don't shy away from it. Look at it straight in the eyes.
By the way, for my 'sad' story, my colleague in Kota Bharu did her appraisal through the phone.
That's the challenge from an individual Malay Pharma Sales Rep., And more challenges lie within the company itself. They often come in...
The gender bias. Really. I know it's hard to swallow this. And many of you would not agree. Argue if we must, but according to a survey by Gallup Management Inc., women, in general, have more knack to carry out sales job. But previously, I don't think the company employs more women solely on this finding.
Some company doesn't even know what Gallup Poll is.
So basically, this is the challenge for my Malay 'male' counterpart. The 'female' counterpart already had a head start. Just give it a shot anyway.
The treatment bias. This is not difficult to understand. Malay is the minority. When we do go places to eat, for incentive trips, annual dinner and so forth, the choice... our choice is always limited.
I have attended countless dinners, lunches, meetings, and the main course... Chinese food. Many times until it became my expectation when I heard,'Dinner today at ABC. Please gather here before 7.' Instantly I knew what we're having later.
That's a challenge. It became worse during incentive trips.
Learn to live with it.
The communication barrier. Most MNC uses English. Most Malay Pharma Sales Reps, except for few overseas grads, were Malay educated. I was from UKM, the University where Bahasa Melayu is the preferred language. UKM was established because our forefathers believe that Bahasa Melayu can create scholars just like other languages, English in particular.
I see this challenge in my fellow Malays during interviews. I see it during detailing. I see it when they're asked to do a presentation during meeting or training.

And to top it up, the communication barrier was also made worse because other reps at times like to communicate and 'gossips' in a language which make Malay feel they're in a country with World's highest population.
Again, learn to live with it.
Well, friend, these six challenges which I just mentioned are most likely to stay. And I wish to say this, "If we can't change them, we change."
That sounds more proactive and more real.
Change. And face the challenges.
To your success.
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