Sales Basics

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Sales Closing

How To Sell Original Medicine When Generic Medicine Is Available

Sell original meds despite generics available

I got emails from some of our pharmaceutical sales rep friends asking me, "But Bro, what if I still have to sell the original products even though the generics already available?"

My answer to your friend... depending on your BUDGET, protect those product(s) with the budget that could tear you apart. 

I mean it. 

No joke. No pun. 

You hear this straight from me. 

Look at your budget and if the product's budget could hurt you, protect it with your life.

And the Government is busy cutting spending on medicines

They don't need your permission. 

They just go ahead and do it.

Believe me... company cares little or none at all when it comes to your survival. 

That's the fact. 

I recommend you learn how to handle it.

 Let me illustrate with examples...

I used to promote a few products to the GPs namely Zoloft, Lipitor, Norvasc, Accupril, Sulperazon, and Viagra. 

At that time, Zoloft was facing patent expiry. 

There's already a generic in the market - Serlift - from Ranbaxy. 

Not only I had a small customer base at that time... 

GPs view treating depression was not their top priority because it consumes lots of their time, but it also takes years of follow up, and all their effort might go down the drain, and the patient just goes beserk!

They push it to the Government Hospitals... 

...and that area was not under my care.

So what did I do? 

I know how much my budget was for Zoloft. 

I make a 'guesstimation' and came up with the figure of the number of sales I realistically can close by the end of the year - plus-minus some unforeseen circumstances like lost patients, Dr's switch to other drugs, etc. 

From there, I estimate how much I need to do extra on my 'other' products. 

I divide the 'load' equally for the remaining months before year-end and... 


I got my magic figure.

Day in, day out, I make sure I reach my quota with the extra load attached to it. 

I stop thinking about what, where, how my competitor's doing in the market and I have peace of mind, less stress, and focused effort. 

Isn't that more helpful? 

Would you opt otherwise?

The only time I think about my competitor's activities was:

  • when my Boss asked me or...
  • writing my monthly report, or...
  • to show-off to other reps during coffee, or...
  • during sales meeting - half-yearly and yearly, or...
  • when asked

Other than those time, I keep quiet and work to hit my budget. 

By year-end, I always deliver. 

I smiled when I see my bank account balance the following month (that's when my incentive is bank-in) and laugh all the way to my favorite shopping spot.

Are you with me so far? 

Do you see the rationale of this simple plan? 

So this is our 'Spread the Load' plan. 

You can use them any way you like. But of course. 

There are other emails with another question.

A question like, "But what do I say to my customers?"

Ohh... you're the lovely guys, and gals aren't you? 


If you have to say something to your beloved customers, these lines work well so far. 

Try them on.

"Doctor, I'm aware of the fact that generics and ethical products were put on the same level through bio-equivalent studies but Doctor, can any of the bio-equivalent proves CONSISTENCY? It proves potency but consistency is a totally different issue. You don't want any of your patients to come back and criticize your decision and competency by pointing to a fail treatment regime just because you prescribe them with generics drugs, do you?"


"Doctor, I know how much difference one tablet of our original drugs cost compared to the generics. If we keep comparing costs, with all due respect Sir/Madam, we'll always play catch-up. And in the long run, the prescribers and the patients will suffer. How so, you may ask, well allow me to explain Doctor. Generics have their place. Our products, I believe, also have their place in your practice. Am I right to say, for certain high-risk patients, you would prefer the original? What about your patients who can afford and don't mind paying... will you prescribe them with ours? With your kind of practice Doctor where patients always look up to, doesn't it make sense to choose ours?"


Well, that's all. 

These two are enough to disarm any 'hostile' resistance from your customers (or you can go here if you need more ideas). 

They might not switch them over entirely, but they're enough, and they work. 

I recommend you to try it on and see how it helps in your 'unique' situation.

And lastly, some of you ask, "What if I'm not selling face to face? What if I'm selling online?" 

Hold your gun there Buckaroo. 

I know that this is the latest trend... sell everything online.

And get almost everything online too. 

Do excuse me because I'm new to this concept. 

The only thing I can say is, "Does it makes a world of difference if you sell generics products online or original products?"

Let me answer that for you..."Of course, there's no difference."

"So, why bother asking?"

"Just curious to know."

"Well, if you're curious, and you think that it doesn't make any difference... why not take advantage of this?"


"I happen to know a place where you can start... and take advantage of the excellent value of safety and reliability that were offered."

"I'm curious. Where's this place?"

"Right here my friend... right at this Drug Store. See if it fit ya."

"I'll do that... now!"

That's all the questions from you, my reader, which I can address today. 

Keep the mail coming, and I'll keep you posted.


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