Sales Basics

Sales Process

Sales Closing

Why Getting The Right Selling Strategy Is Important

Importance of the right sales strategy

One of the GPs whom I used to service in Mentakab, Pahang, gave me a call late afternoon today. I was reading an ebook on Internet Marketing at that time.

"Hello, Mr. Z. This is Doctor Y."
"Doctor Y... yes Sir, good afternoon to you."
"Mr. Z, I want to ask you something. Last time I order Diflucan, split the lot. And now, I want to order the remaining lot. I called Zuellig, they said I have to order through the rep. I called your HQ, and they don't know who covers the product you see..."
"Ooo... I see the doctor. Diflucan, your balance lot right?"
"Ok. Doctor, for your info, Diflucan is no longer under Pfizer Pharma directly, and for GPs, we're not promoting it anymore. So, this is what I'm going to do Sir. I'm going to call the person in charge, and I asked him to give you a call or pay you a visit. Is that o.k?"
"Certainly. Thank you."

I call Cal, the rep for Diflucan (he's under Pharmalink - company that promote 'in-line' Pfizer Malaysia products), pass to him the doctor's number (he didn't have it... surprisingly), and get things done.

Sweet and sound.

The call means:
  • I did something fundamentally correct in the beginning (know my customers)
  • I keep doing the right thing without thinking of reward (I'm on holiday after my VSS, for God sake)
  • someone is not doing the right thing...
And that keeps me going in doing what I'm doing now, pay or no pay.
I'm just plain passionate. I'll keep sharing with you people 'the right' things in my humble opinion, that needs to be done.

"You can't go wrong by doing the right thing."

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