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Why Is It Important To Know The Difference Between Pharmaceutical Sales Job Or Sales Career?

The difference between pharma sales career to pharmaceutical sales job
Some of you might have discovered one of the big lies of the pharmaceutical industry, but you've decided that you still want to give it a go.

Well, good for you! 

In fact, that's one of the essential characters of a sales rep which is curiosity: 

What if it will work for me?

Yeah, why not, right?

And for those who already got both their feet in the industry, you probably want to consider a long term look at what you're doing right now:

Is this going to be my temporary job or my permanent career?

Maybe if you read the title once, you'll see no difference. 

There's always a 'thin-line' in my opinion, between 'job' and 'career.'

Job is basically an abbreviation for 'Just.Over.Broke'... Ha! Ha!... just kidding but seriously, there's some truth there. 

Some smart guys coined a phrase years ago, "Company pays a man just enough for him to keep working. The man works just enough for the company to keep paying him." Smart indeed but who's smarter: the man or the company?

Career is different. 

I don't need to give you the definition because you can check it for yourself and description sounds 'boring.' 

But job IS what I'm doing right now.

My own job versus career

You see after I got the envelope with my cheque in it (for my VSS), I knew deep inside a NEW day has begun. A new career awaits me. 

And I should be excited. 

Of course, I am.

I decided to try 'online business.' 

First, I did what most newcomers or NEWBIE as they like to call them, do. I work almost everything conceivable for my strategy to generate income. I've tried online auction even before my VSS, and I'm convinced I can make money through that.

Then there's an affiliate program... PLR... and MLM. 

I want to try them all, until one day, while typing a reply to a forum post, my wife pointed out, "You've always been in the Pharmaceutical industry. You're good at it. People turn to you for advice. And see, you even score high points for this forum post," and she points at the laptop screen, "So, why not concentrate on what you do best? Pharmaceutical selling is what you do best."

She indirectly 'defines' career, in it's broadest sense.

Uncharted career move

Uncharted career move

I've stopped working for Pfizer Malaysia, but my passion and contribution to Pharmaceutical industries and health care have just begun. It took a different platform. 

And the best part is, I can serve the end-users (that means YOU) directly.

It has been a long debate about DTC (Direct To Consumers) advertising for pharmaceutical products, and there are guidelines. 

But just like investments where the BEST investments are within reach to the insiders, or the players if you will, retail investors, lay people like you and me, were stuffed with 'good' investment.

The same thing can be said about medicine or drugs.

The best news, the best info, and the most substantial facts are available ONLY to the people on the inside. 

On the 'outside,' you get the 'downgrade' version. 

Maybe substandard. 

And you might not totally agree with me on this observation. 

It's up to you. 

I just pour my thought.

That's how important I see my career is now. 

Especially for Malaysian. 

I always hear other reps said during my working years, "Customers (patients) are more educated today than they were before." 

I do not agree with this statement TOTALLY, and they said, "That's because you're in the East Coast."



Patients' advocate

I believe the patients can only be as smart as their 'advisers,' in this case, the medical practitioners. 

I took my daughter to see a GP last week, and she said my daughter was infected with 'viral rashes' (actually the medical term was longer, but that suffices for now). She prescribed Scabex cream and Pyritoin (an antihistamine), generics, to ease the irritation.

I told her I can get some Claritin syrup samples from a doctor-friend of mine, but she said, "Don't worry. Even my brother prescribe this to his patients." 

Her brother is a Paeds Specialist with a hospital.

I rest my case, and the medicines find their way into the cabinet and remained there untouched.

Talk about educated patients...

This incidence and countless others faced by me or you cause realization of my new career. 

The facts parted by Pharma companies of today are insufficient, to say the least, and at times misleading.

Remember the Vioxx withdrawal? 

The recall of Hismanal from the market? 


And the latest Avandia-heart problem crisis? 

Where were all the info 'hiding' all these while? 

Under piles of clinical reprints maybe or inside some 'secret' researchers journal...

What's at stake here?

Our LIVES. Our well-being. Our health.

All those hard-work and hard-earned money will amount to 'nothing' if we're sick and dead. 


And that important info stands between us and 'suffering.' 

I say, better to know than to ignore.

A personal disclaimer

Personal disclaimer

But, there's a caveat...

Whatever info shared in here should be taken with 'a pinch of salt' because the representation is personal and targeted. 

At times, I might have a direct financial-benefit to gain from the recommendation and review in here.


It's a career. Not welfare. 

If I took an immediate gain from any study, I would not apologize. 

And I need you to open your eyes and open your mind to the arguments forwarded.

Don't BLINDLY take the info at face-value. 

Compare and combine. 

I borrow the investment analogy once again: you can consult the best financial planner, the most prestigious investment broker or Warren Buffet himself, but the final say to invest or not, is in YOUR hands.

Remember, you have two hands - left and right. 

At least have a comparison to base your decision on.

So, let us walk this path to enlightenment together. 

I 'exist' because of you and if you live better, happier and healthier, that would be the 'sweetest pay' my career can get.

Take care.