Finally, your 'official' task begins. It starts with making your call or visit. You need to see your customers - doctors, pharmacists, other healthcare professionals - before you even start promoting your product... which make this initial step the utmost 'critical' level of all.
They said, "You only have one chance to create a good FIRST impression."And I'm here to tell you, you'll have many chances, and every opportunity is different. No one chance is alike. Meaning... you also get to make a many first impression. Isn't that a relief? I mean, if you think your first attempt wasn't that great, the time will come when you can rectify that...
And WIN!
But it all starts with the ideal first call, and the perfect first call comes from excellent 'before-the-call' preparation.
The list I just shared had six bullet-points. They look separated, but if you examine carefully, they build one upon another. And I mean them to be that way. You should too. Why? Just like wearing your shoes. You need to put it on first, tighten the free space, and tie the lace. In that order. Apply that to the list above. You might feel awkward first time doing them but do persist. They'll come naturally.
I'll walk you through each step in the next post. 'Nuff said for now.
But it all starts with the ideal first call, and the perfect first call comes from excellent 'before-the-call' preparation.
So, how you prepare? You prepare by:
- get valid, relevant, and if possible up to date info about your customer (we'll get to that in a short while)
- churn the data and notice trend, pattern, preferences, etc.
- get to their 'hot buttons' and desire (more than mere needs or wants)
- set specific, realistic, result-oriented objective
- develop a solid call plan
- execute and readjust

I'll walk you through each step in the next post. 'Nuff said for now.
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