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Pharma Sales Skills: Your Call Action Plan

4 steps call action plan

You've learned why you need to get to know your prospects first and what kind of information you need to get to know them.

Finally, 'the rubber meets the road' as the saying goes. 

It's the time to put your pharma sales skills to test. 

So now, how do you come up with your call Action Plan? 

You don't want your plan to look like a DSM VII so here are your four simple steps:

  1. Last look at the info and review it for fine print, hot buttons, etc.
  2. Be clear of what you want to achieve (your immediate goal)
  3. Prepare your game-plan or strategy.
  4. Rehearse, rehearse, rehearse

There's no priority step given in the steps above simply because they're all equally important. 

But there are not fix either. 

You can choose to do number 4 if you like and work your way up to number 1 or just pick any number.

Why I'm saying this? 

Apart from being 'smart' (just kidding), actually, there's a 'perspective factor' involved in this.

Allow me to explain...

Let us say you begin at number 3. 

Suddenly, it just occurred to you that your current strategy can achieve other goals as well. 

Supposed you're promoting Zoloft, and your immediate goal is to switch your existing customer from TCAs (tricyclic or tetracyclic antidepressant) to Zoloft.

You approach the goal from the safety point of view, say, Zoloft reduces the chances of suicidal attempt and can be consumed up to 25 times its recommended dose but still be able to recuperate. 

You're going to use his until you notice a fact about Zoloft's side-effect: delayed ejaculation.

You know your customer that you're approaching likes to treat ED (erectile dysfunction). 

Another issue that he brought up from your info digging was premature ejaculation. 


Now you can twist the story a bit based on your newly acquired pharma sales skills.

Apart from approaching the matter from the safety point of view, now you have a 'trump card.' 

You have another option or maybe 'the' option to grab your customer's attention during detailing. 

You can now create another goal based on the new info. 

How's that?

I knew of a Pfizer rep a long time ago, deploy this tactic successfully. 

I, at the time, was competing with her and I was promoting Aurorix. 

That rep won my customer because she knew better than me what the customer's preference and premature was a big thing for the doctor. 

No more depression and happier sex-life since premature ejaculation had been put to rest... who can refuse that?

If the patients were happy, the doctor would be more satisfied.

Why not utilize this simple tactic yourself? 

There is such thing as called 'off-label' prescription you know, and your physician can exert this privilege. 


Are you smiling already?

Don't limit yourself to only what you can see. 

Expand your pharma sales skills. 

Be flexible and may you reap the maximum reward your Pharma company has to offer which you already started with a solid call action plan.

To your success.

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