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6 Questions You Can Use To Get To Know Your Customers

6 questions to use to get to know customers

I want to tell you something, and I hope you understand.

My purpose of having this blog is to help other pharmaceutical sales rep especially the new one to get some 'fresh' insight to this incredible career, apart from what is being fed by trainers, managers, and colleagues. I've worked hard to make sure that the info shared here is simple, effective, and relevant. But I can't help with the detour.

You see, when I set out to be relevant, latest info doesn't fall from the sky the way I want them. It's a free fall, and they just fall. It's out of my control, but what I think you need to be aware of, I only post them here. And if you follow me right until today, you'll find the arrangement is a bit out of order.

Like today, I'm going to continue with the Pharma Sales Syllabus which, if you recall, I post the last entry at the end of last month. Yes, I admit the order is a bit discord, but if you look at it, it had to... naturally because you're getting the latest and relevant issue like the Avandia - heart risk issue. Remember?

And if you've read about the importance of know who is selling and how it can add to your advantage, you know that at times, the proper kinds of stuff come in bits and pieces. In a way, that sort of keeps you on your toes but I can also say that it was a bit disorganized from my end.

Whatever, right?

Let's pick up where we've left...

Last entry was on the resources to get to know your customers. Following the 'order,' you then churn the info - turn it backward, upside down, stretch it, etc. - and discover the pattern, preferences, and trend of your customers.

I don't want you to passively read this close reading 'product packet insert' so, I list down some Q, and you think it over (you can think about them in your sleep if you like). You'll hate me for this, but I'll take my chances.

Here we go...

Based on what you already know about your customers, put yourself in their shoes, be them, act as if you're them for a while, and answer the following:
  1. In managing time, which factors affect the way they handle it?
  2. What are their primary practices (or implied business) concern?
  3. What are their legal, procedures, or formulary concern? What has to happen before they can prescribe medicine? What allowing them? What's limiting them?
  4. Who are their 'typical' patients? Who are they made of? Who are on their list?
  5. What is their patients' typical demand? What are the patients look for from them?
  6. What role does the support staff play in the customers' practices? How important are they? How about the staff roles for the patients?
Well, repeat these questions over and over again, and I'll see you in your dream.

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