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One Big Lie Of The Pharma Industry That Always Sparks Hatred

One big lie of the pharma industry that always spark hatred
This is going to be something of a diversion from our previous discussion about how you can create a lasting impression upon entering your prospects' or customers' offices. Just read until the end of the article, and you probably can see that this is a necessary evil.

You might not agree entirely with me, and that's fine too. Share your thought when you're done with the reading, and we can discuss a bit more.

And here goes ...

Maybe it's unintentional. 

Perhaps it's generally accepted for ages. 

Maybe it's just the way it is. 

But it is a lie, one of the biggest if you may, in the Pharmaceutical Industry. 

And what is it?

"You got to have a science background preferably biology or anything of its kind to make it as a sales rep."

Let me be the first to tell you that the statement is full of craps. So packed I'm afraid that it might touch you a little bit. I hope you're not affected.

When I was the Team Leader for a Pfizer branch sales force in the East Coast region, I admit that my best Team Member, the performer, the 'star' for the team, had HER background in Business Study. Not Biology, Microbiology, Biomedical Sciences, or the like.

In fact, she outperformed some of the Science background grads during an interview and in sales.

Does Science background a requirement for a high sales achiever?

According to my 'empirical' conclusion, it does NOT.

But why some people are making all the fuss about taking in Science background grads and even taking in graduates to fill in Pharmaceutical Sales Rep posts?

I was given the directive by my 'immediate supervisor' - National Sales Manager -while I was looking for a candidate to fill in a vacant post left by one of my team members who move back to her hometown.

He said, "Find a graduate. Then find a Science graduate. Then interview."

People easily forget where they came from. 

My previous 'Boss' was not a graduate, and she's adamant about looking for graduates to fill a vacant post. Rumors have it, she got to where she was because she's the Managing Director's niece. I can't prove that this is true, but she is the MD's niece.

The same goes for the NSM. 

But he got an MBA. 

And people with MBA sometimes think they're the brightest soul on earth.

I have high regard for people with knowledge, but I have always despised ignorant people. Ignorant and MBA can co-exist. When they do, people forget. They forget the fundamentals. When they forget, they lose. When they fail, because they are people with the position, they BLAME others.

The most famous maxim ever coined by these people goes something like this:

"If a scientist makes mistakes, it's called invention.
If parents make mistakes, it's called generation.
If your Boss makes mistakes, it's YOUR mistake!"

They live by this. 

They swear by this. 

It's either your career or my fat paycheck (it's easy to determine the choice don't you think?).

I hate it when people set some arbitrary standard and imposed them on others, except them.

They were also very good at denials. 

They'll say, "Don't shoot the messenger. Just listen to the message."


If they ever tell you this, realize that you're listening to the BIGGEST lie in the Pharmaceutical Industry: we want Science background people to fill in the post as Pharmaceutical Sales Representative.

I'm 'contending' the same dogma now but in a different industry.

If you ever fancy becoming a Sales Rep, don't bother yourself reading or listening to the lie again.

Be a contender. Especially if you're Malay (I mean it).

PS. Inspiration from another Malay contender, despite some arguments to his mixed lineage.

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