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How To Look For Information When Selling Medicines Online

Info you need when selling meds online

"What if you want to sell drugs online? What kind of info do you need?"

You still need to do some info digging before you sell online. 

In fact, you need better, higher quality info when selling online. 

It's not going to be the same way you get your information offline, but you better know something about your prospects on the Web.

I answer this within my experience trying out this concept thus far. 

I roll-out a list to make things simpler for you. So here goes...

  • The simple economic concept of demand and supply applies here. Check out what they're looking for by typing the words, e.g. Viagra online, and use tools such as this (at the point I'm doing this, there are 1134 searches for viagra online)
  • After that, check out the 'supply' part. Just type 'Viagra online' at your favorite Search Engine (Google, Yahoo, MSN) and see how many sites supply you with this (Gosh! Almost 5 million sites...)
  • Twist, tweak, and spin your keyword until you get a feasible 'demand' and 'supply' number - 1: 100 or 500 is 'just nice' (in the above example it's way too 'crowded')
  • Next, sign up with a reputable, healthy, reliable online drugstore like this one and get all the promo tools.
  • Start your promotion using tools like a blog at Blogger.

That's it... for a start and keep going folks. Have fun!

PS. I wrote this piece way back in August 2007, and that would be 13 odd years by now.
Here's an update I've made about the kinds of stuff that you can trade online, written in November 2020.

I can't guarantee that the steps I've suggested above are still relevant today. 

Those steps might have worked back then but things have changed so much, and there are newer and more effective methods available.

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