Sales Basics

Sales Process

Sales Closing

I Was Exposed!

Image showing a father holding a baby exposing her to the audience

I got an SMS (short message) on my mobile phone two days ago.

It was from my ex-team member who, according to some sources, has been transferred to promote products in the Government Sector. But that's beside the point. Back to the SMS.

The SMS clearly stated that my blog (this blog) had been a 'hot' topic at their recent Plan Of Action (POA) meeting. Hot topic? Really? I find it hard to believe. And adding to my amazement, the person who discovers my blog was the Sales Director himself.


Being exposed is hard enough to believe and being presented by S.D? Unthinkable but I better understand it because some people, my ex-colleagues, started to call.

It was kind of them to call, but when I discover it's to clear up the issue, I felt a bit peeved. Next time I'll tell them, "Don't bother to call!"

Why I'm amazed?

First, how in the world S.D discovered the blog? Does he have so much 'leisure' time to surf? So much time to check out blogs? Hmmm... I don't think so.

Secondly, if my friends were circulating this blog address, why passing it up to S.D? I'm sure, many of my friends are still not aware of this blog's existence.

So, how do all these make me feel?

Frankly, I'm GLAD that I got some one's attention, and having a reach to the top of the hierarchy in less than six months is something I never imagine for this blog.

What else?

This blog is personal in nature, but I never meant to own it personally. Each and every person in the Pharmaceutical companies I've worked with be it, Roche or Pfizer had somehow contributed directly or indirectly to the content of this blog. The content might be relevant to the working condition as it is today, or it might not.

Everybody can learn from history. History of the nation. History of the world. Or my account of working in the pharmaceutical industry. There's a lesson to be learned, I promise you that, and this is important... I'm going to TEACH somebody a lesson!

If all of you think, working for a pharmaceutical company is like smelling a bed of roses, a walk in the park, or 'manna' from heaven... I'm here to tell you that you might be wrong.

How are you wrong?

In a big multinational pharma company, your chances to succeed being a woman is higher.

Your chances for promotion are also higher if you're a woman.

Your chances to make to the top sales ladder is higher if you're a woman.

Your chances to bring in more sales is higher if you're a woman.

But you rarely reach the top post, if you're a woman.

Maybe this will change soon, but at the time I'm writing this, top multinational Pharma companies post in Malaysia are held by men (argue?).

Don't ask me why. I do not have the answer.

Another mystery... the amount of Bumiputera (mainly Malay) is not even close to the Government stipulated 30 percent out of the total workforce in most of Multinational Pharma company. The rough figure is about 15 percent or less (usually it's less...).

Again, don't ask me why.

And the last mystery... ONE race is preferred more than other races in Malaysia to fill in certain positions in Pharmaceutical MNC.


I've set out to clear the mystery behind all these or at least try to, with my personal experience as evidence (and I mean 'real' testimony). I'm for real. And if by any means you, my readers, find better evidence or have counter-evidence, I'm open for discussion.

Think about it.

Just because some old 'hog' who claim to have 25 years of experience told me that I was 'over-rated' and somehow don't deserve much appreciation... I'll just walk away.

And just because some people of my own kind (Malay kind) said that I'm 'chicken out' in facing the corporate reality and shy away with my balls tucked between my leg...

... Hear me loud and clear...

"I'm coming at, ya!"

Because... the old 'hog' just happened to have ONE year of experience repeated 25 times.

And my Malay kind just too fragile and too fickle to have a stand. A stand that he readily 'die' for.

"When you got nothing to die for, you'll fall for everything!"

That's bad news.

I stand erected from my conviction better than 'you-know-my-what' after a dose of Viagra 100mg.

Come back often if you want to know what 'reality' is in working with Pharmaceutical MNC in Malaysia. I hope I didn't scare you. I'm certainly not. That's why this blog is called "The Malay Pharma Contender."

It wasn't called as such for nothing.

PS. Take a look at my all-time inspiration below ...

PPS. I have changed the title of this blog to "Anonymous Medical Sales Rep Blog" since October 2015 (that's about 8 years since I first wrote on this blog. Wow! I just realized how fast times fly)

Image showing the front cover of the book The Malay Dilemma by Tun Dr. Mahathir

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