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How To Foolproof Your Pharmaceutical Sales Job Interview Preparation

You have made the first move to apply for the job with pharmaceuticals companies.

You've contacted them, you've waited, and you received a call," Mr. Lucky You, are you available 3 days from today? You are? OK. Do come to our Prestigious Pharma Company office for interview 3 days from now. Thank you."

I can hear your chest thumping! You better cool down, or else you'll get arrhythmia (you better understand used to the term you know). 

Help is on its way.

After reviewing 5 books on the successful interview, I sat thinking to myself, "I don't need all these people to tell me what to tell you. In fact, what do 'these experts' know about the pharma industry? I've conducted countless interviews before and recruited many excellent boys and girls. I can tell you what's important. After all, these experts really sound dry and boring!"

So, pay close attention friend because I'm not going to be the expert. I will just be your friend, and here's what I'll say to you (it's not dry nor dull)...

How To Best Prepare For Your Pharmaceutical Sales Job Interview

I'm going to share with you what the interviewer is most likely to do instead of what you need to do. When you know what he or she (nowadays the interviewers are mostly 'she') will do, you'll know what to do. Logic? Basically, these things will happen. They will...

  • Review your application materials: resume (CV), application form, supporting documents, testimonials, and what not have you. Aha! I know you know what to do now, about that CV and stuff. So, get going because after that they...
  • Conduct what usually called 'Key Background Review.' During this process, they go deeper into your job experiences (are they relevant?), employment history (why you keep changing job or why the change now?), or any other recommendation and I guess at this point you realize why they keep you in the backseat all these years. After that what they do is they...
  • Prepare the questions. It's more than one question, and it almost resembles an interrogation, only friendlier. The questions target to look at your behavior in given conditions whereby the conditions are very relevant to your role and to the companies' environment, mission, etc. See... I know you know what to do now. Go figure them now.

Well, in the next guide, I'll share the finer points which they look at in your answer. 

In the meantime, keep your dreams of earning 100 K per year alive by going through the new cars and new house catalogs which just arrive in your mailbox. 

Just picture yourself owning them. 

Keep smiling. 

You look great!

After all, you have known how to foolproof your preparation for your pharmaceutical sales job interview.

Until the next post...

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