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3 More Job Interview Secrets You Can Use To Ace That Interview

So, how's that pharma job interview going for you? I believe if you follow the tips and guidelines discussed here, you reap the benefits already. A big one I might add. And on top of that, you'll be ahead by light years compared to the next bloke sitting next to you in the interview. Unless he or she beats you in applying the tips and guide here...

Here are what we have covered so far (click the link to visit the page):

Having said that, I'll be sharing with you few more pointers which will serve as your silver bullets... your secret weapon, if you may, and since you'll be bringing your best arsenal upfront during the interview, these will tilt your winning possibility hugely. You like that don't ya? Ready for some actions?

Let's move...

3 Job Interview Secrets To Use To Ace The Job Interview

  • The secret to Ace Job Interview 1

If you have any critics towards your current employer (if you're currently employed that is), do KEEP it to yourself. Why? If you have bad things to say and say it behind your current employer minus their presence, what would that make you? In my words... 'backstabbers', and they probably seen a lot of them around. Be different. Keep it to yourself.

  • The secret to Ace Job Interview 2

Only talks about money and benefits once you got the offer in your hand, tightly clenched. Money may be your motivator but it may not be your employer motivator. Ask only if they allow you to do so. Ask in general terms but 'negotiation' terms... wait until the job offer is yours.

  • The secret to Ace Job Interview 3

Wait. I know it's mundane, boring, and useless (seems to be) but waits. Don't chase them for the answer. If they don't get back to you in a month's time the most or two weeks at least, move on. Check out your next interview schedule and forget about the previous one. Always think, "It happened for a reason and it serves me." Close your eyes while saying this quietly to yourself. Take a deep breath.

reason for things to happen


These three things look trivial to some. Imagine you're in a boat. If you keep poking small holes into it, what will happen to the boat finally? It's assured. You'll be swimming for your life... just because of the small, 'trivial' holes. Mr. Murphy said it best (though I hardly knew him), "If anything can go wrong, it WILL!"

Take advice from Mr. Murphy. Everybody who succeeds did.

Now that you have discovered three more secrets to ace any job interview, go test them out. See if they fit. Whenever you see there's anything that can be made better, make the necessary change. And share them here too.