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Sales Syllabus For Pharmaceutical Selling (Contrarian Style)

Sales syllabus for pharma

Finally, I've decided, and there's nothing you could do to change my decision (lol!). I've been thinking hard about this and after given it enough consideration (I think so), I have come to the conclusion that I'm going to share my personal sales syllabus for those of you who want to step into pharmaceutical selling.

If you do a quick search on or other online portals that publish and sell the business book, the pharmaceutical sales representative is one job that had gained its popularity some times ago. It probably is popular today, so why come up with such a syllabus?

Here's what I think about this matter:

  • They are 'textbook.' 

I mean, a textbook is fresh and all but I would not extend my hand to reach for one when I want to find tips or tactics to excel in pharma sales career unless it is indispensable. Maybe the difference is in the stipulation for potential reps over in the States where they need to sit for entry test or there-like.

  • They don't carry my 'personal' voice
  • .

I've been selling pharmaceutical products since I step out of college (1998) and I have formed ideas about what makes selling medicines or medical devices tick. These ideas come from getting my feet wet on the field and not something I imagine after reading a textbook, for example. I do have a thing or two to share.

Rather than making this a random rambling, why not structure all posts to make a complete contrarian syllabus, contrarian style?

Why not indeed. I'll start from the very beginning in the future post.

Heads up. It's coming.

structure is

My syllabus will be liberating. Check the overview here.

Until the next post...

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