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Question They Ask Me...

I put up a new thread on my favorite forum last 3 days, and the title was:

"Career As A Salesperson In Pharmaceutical Industry"

Since the forum is in Bahasa Melayu, I took the pleasure to translate it for your perusal and hope you'll find the Q and A helpful. So, here goes...

Q: Does it involve selling products?
A: Definitely! It's a sales job, so there's a product to be the Hospitals, General Practitioners, Pharmacy, or Institution including Teaching Hospitals.

Q: Does it involves making a presentation and selling door-to-door? If it is selling door-to-door, I'm not interested at all.
A: Yes, it involves making a presentation, but on a specific occasion, it does include 'detailing' to the medical practitioners or to their staffs, and yes, there are some elements of door-to-door, but it will be the doctors or the pharmacist's offices' doors ;)

Q: I just graduated, and you mentioned that this is a lucrative paying job. Do explain...
A: Depending on the company you join, the current basic salary ranging from RM1800 to RM2000 for 'fresh grads' plus the incentives, car allowance, mileage reimbursement, food, and beverages claim, lodging claim...all in all, a new grad who just started can bring home around RM3000 to RM4000 monthly.

Now, the thread is still open. If you have a question, please ask. 

If you want to look at the Questions and Answer go to on the Forum tab, look for Career, Motivation, And Counseling Category, then find the thread 'Kerjaya Sebagai Jurujual Syarikat Farmaseutikal' (if it's still there...).


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